The Elder Scrolls Online Beta Update
Well, you still have to wait a bit... But, the good news is that beta invites will be sent out nearing the end of this month!
The first beta events are smaller ones that primarily takes place during the weekends - and to those who haven't participated in a beta before, and thought it would be "fun" to test; Well, if you get into the first stage, let's just say you're in for a "treat".
The beta will start out small, and will expand gradually over the coming months. Meaning that if you are not selected for the first events, you may still be selected for later ones (and being selected into the first one does not guarantee selection for the later ones).
They'll be announcing it on Facebook, twitter and their official sites once the beta invites has been sent out (so if you get an invitation, and they haven't announced anything, it is most likely scam).
If you want more details, head on to The Elder Scrolls Official Website.
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A moderator has closed this comment topic for the time beingIt makes me laugh that more effort has gone into a CGI Trailer than the actual game its self, but that's marketing for you. "OOOOOH SHINY! must buy the dull colourless rubbish."
I did sign up for the beta, because I was hoping that I would be able to test it out yeah sure but too also see if the finished game would be worth getting, because at the end of the day Todd Howard isn't spinning BS to the foolish masses witch gives people hope.
And if YOU enjoy a game that you have bought and it keeps you entertained then its at least worth some of the money you paid for it and that's what matters, Your happy because your having fun and the developers are happy because they get paid.
also, I dont think it can be a greater disappointment than guild wars 2 was (and still is) so I'd
say it's worth a shot
for making a TES into a MMO yes not for making a MMO that has TES related names
like somebody else mentioned it is a sell out , they pretty know well that the fans will by anything that has The elder scrolls name on it , doesn't matter if it is a rip off or the genuine thing
this is a rip off it is a remake of a older game ( Dark age of Camelot  with different map and different races and names
sure graphics look sweet even considering they are too lazy to put in real argonians and khajiths , but other than that it is a empty box
the quality of their game is of no importance what is important to them is how long they can keep their customers playing wuith cheap gameplay gimmicks and themepark content
Even the and i quote ( game only becomes interesting at level 50' comment of one of the main dev says enough for me ,
that made me resent the MMO before it was even launched
we all seen what happens if you use a well known franchise name in a MMO
Warhammer online , died because of greed on the publishers side
Star trek online after all the hype you are basicly playing a repetitive and boring single player game online
SWTOR no comments needed
and ESO will probably be a bit of everything above
Did they ever asked if we wanted a MMO
Did they ever asked us what kind of game concept we would like to see
, no they just hired some guy who had some experience in a MMO and told him he has carte blanche with the franchise name so he just renamed his own old MMO and voila you have a new MMO and with a name like that all those mollions of people who bought skyrim will rush out and buy a copy or a subscriotion money
Yes they already started to review of the feedback but they also started to hype this game as THE GAME of the decade
in my opinion it will be DaoC II and nothing more nothing less less and another mutant WoW clone that brings nothing new in a MMO market already saturated by medioric themepark WoWclones
@kleinstaff I do think that ESO has a chance of greatness, what i've seen is not what most think of an MMO, it looks more geared towards the "Elder Scrolls" than the "Online".
As for SWTOR, iloved it! but when the powergamers were donw with it and many of the servers' populations started dropping, it made doing many of the instances and group quests undoable and when they went ftp, i quit. I started playing and within 2-3 weeks of the game being out, already the powergamers were whining about endgame this and that. I've written a diseration on why powergamers are bad for mmo's and got an A+ on that assignment but won't get into it here lest these same whiny powergamers start a flame war(though i admit that by what i said above, i may be the flame war culprit hehe). Everything i've seen so far tells me this will be something special in mmo'dom.
Dont like it? I see no point in commenting here. However it is hard to see how could you like it if you havent played it yet... Ridiculous...
Does an IP guarantee success in the MMO world? No, obviously not. Some of the biggest and well known IPs have been huge flops as MMOs. But not because they are big IPs. Because they were bad games.
There are a few things I don't like about Skyrim but on the whole it's a pretty awesome game and the fact it has been so financially successful is a good indication that a lot of players enjoy it.
The same company is making the MMO.
Can we think of another example in the MMO industry of a well known IP being used for an MMO by a developer who made good single player games?
*cough* World of Warcraft *cough*
and you will feel so dissapointed with a nagging dejavu feeling when you log off
I never said it will because they are using a well known IP i said they are using this IP in the hope look like it is the game all of us fans been waiting for, to give what looks to me another pretty medioric MMO like there are 2 dozen others were everything they have shown us has been done before, ,
in realirt the whole game concept has nothing to do with what most of the fans of the singleplayer TES are waiting for it is just a copy of the old DaoC with TES related names and better graphics
So yes i do hope it fails miserablely so they can start putting back their rescources into the other studios so we can have Fallout 4 soon and in a few years TES VI
and Blizzard had more than 10 years to perfect their game or more precisely turn their game into a kindergarten
and no i do not hate MMO s i ve been playing them for amore than t10 years now 7 of them in EvE online which is the only one i still play regular) so i ve seen my share of them, but the last thing the MMO market needs os another WoWclone with a well known franchise name
they never made a MMO before and instead of developing something new they hired someone who did and he is just remaking his old game but now he can abuse a well know franchise name for the remake of his own old game that failed eventually because it was too constricted
They had the chance to make something new in the world of MMO s with new concepts and ideas that would suit the world of TES perfectly instead they took the cheap way to please the investors not the fans , and when those investors say they want cute panda s and dragons in the game because that sells well we will see panda s and dragons in ESO
I never said they did. Neither Blizzard before WOW nor Zenimax now.
Both were / are successful developers of offline / singleplayer games who entered the MMO market.
You committed an association fallacy, listing a bunch of MMOs with well known IPs (like TES) and concluded that because they flopped TESO must also flop.
Of course that doesn't hold up to scrutiny.
"instead they took the cheap way to please the investors not the fans"
Investors are interested in making money. WOW clones have proved time and again to be bad investments. Skyrim has generated a measly $620 million for them - roughly 12 times the cost of most triple A MMOs. Zenimax has proved they can make fun and profitable games.
Not to put too fine a point on it but investors know where their money comes from - us. Ergo Zenimax pleasing as many of us as possible pleases them.
Lamers... 99% of all beta testers are pathetic and lame.