About this mod
Through the magic of vertex editing, this mod adjusts the fit of multiple separate outfits. Female fatigues will look less baggy, as though they're a few sizes too big. The MGSV Sneaking Suit will look more like Solid Snake's MGS1 Sneaking Suit. Female Battle Dress has been Tightened and decluttered to fit closer to the body.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Donations

The largest changes include:
- tightened waistline, for less of the "block" shape.
- lifted and tightened arm holes.
- reduced fanny-pack size.
- chest pouches fit around the body better.
- less baggy pants.
- [update 1.1] Fixed arm and boot seam, as well as a shadow that's been plaguing the right shoulder.

The largest changes include:
- thinner chest and thighs.
- real left arm, except for the rocket bionic arms (ala TMWSTW).
- longer shoulderpads, but thinner upper arms.
- adjusted collar.
- Smaller pouches.
To install over another mod (like The Man Who Sold The World), disable compatibility checks in Snakebite and install the mgsv file as usual.

The largest changes include:
- Adjusted collar and shoulderpads.
- Tightened pants.
- Minor adjustments to the body.
- Smaller pouches.
- Removed radio set.

The largest changes include:
- Overall Tighter Aesthetic. Armor is packed closer to the female figure.
- Less extraneous gear and armor.
- Smaller pouches, uniformly aligned on the belt.
The largest changes include:
- Tighter armor, specifically around the outfit's belly and thighs.
- Less extraneous gear and armor.
Like any vertex mod, these refits are compatible with any retextures, like the Soldier Outfit Variations mod, or Dark Ventus' Darker MGSV Sneaking Suit mod:

This mod can be installed manually or via SnakeBite Mod Manager - [SBWM]
For manual installation, simply use 7zip to extract the files from the .mgsv file.