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About this mod

Brings the classic Chimera to the Inner Sphere! A high-quality model made by old school legend Pawel Czarnecki based on the original design by Eddie Smith.

Permissions and credits
Pawel Czarnecki used to make these amazing high quality renders back around 2001 and 2002 with some gorgeous models. The third one that I'm
implementing is his Chimera model into Mechwarrior 5 that was originally designed by Eddie Smith.

If you want to support my work and motivate me to make more mechs for Mechwarrior 5 (and 6?), please consider supporting my Patreon

You can easily add the mech to your savegame by getting the mod Mech Delivery

List of my classic mech mods

Links to my other mods

Trailer/Showcase (forthcoming)

Concept art for MW4 by Eddie Smith (Thanks to Heinz Schuller for sharing this)