Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword

Skyrim reviews

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Dragonborn is available on the Xbox 360 now and some reviews have come in. Keep in mind that these reviews are for the Xbox version so some of what they have to say technically might not apply when the PC version is released.

Forbes has some initial thoughts about what it is like to go back to Solstheim for those who have been there in Morrowind.

Shortly after booting up Dragonborn, the new DLC for Skyrim, I cautiously took a longboat out to Solstheim the (sort of) new island for the game. As soon as I pulled up, there was a familiar, if bizarre, white structure off in the distance. I recognized it immediately – a House Redoran building from the old days of Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind. Off in the distance there was a giant mushroom serving as a mage’s tower. It’s nice to be back.

Skyrim missed the mark on its previous DLC, Dawnguard. Instead of a whole new world to explore, we got a series of linear quests, a few new items and a scant number of new enemies. That’s not the case here. Dragonborn gives us more of what we fell in love with in Skyrim in first place – caves and crags to explore, fancy items and monsters to kill them with. The landscape is mostly what we remember from Skyrim – frozen wastes and barrows, anybody? But everything else feels new, and it’s a welcome change. It took a little while, but it looks like we finally have a proper expansion pack for one of the best games of 2011.

Kotaku thinks it is pretty good, and much better than Dawnguard. But notes that the problems of Skyrim are also present in Dragonborn.

More importantly, Dragonborn re-evokes that feeling of excitement, that rush of untapped whimsy that massive open-world games like Skyrim and Fallout: New Vegas are so good at offering. A new map brings with it new places. New dungeons. New quests to discover and rewards to unearth. It's an explorer's wet dream.

Sadly, with a game like Skyrim—and consequently, with its Dragonborn DLC—the potential is often more exciting than the results. Unlock a particularly tough door, for example, and your only reward might be a couple wheels of cheese and a chest with some worthless armor. You might find that an enticing-looking fortress holds nothing but a bunch of generic bandits. Quests might end abruptly and unceremoniously.

The main quest's conclusion is similarly underwhelming, but in that as in all of Dragonborn, what matters is the journey, not the reward. It's the little moments of joy when you find a new location, or when you're exploring a corner of the map that nobody else would even bother exploring, only to find a hidden treasure or easter egg that you know the designers threw in just for you.

Eurogamer thinks it is expansive, and provide some details about the things that people can look forward to doing when it is available for PC (or when they buy the Game of the Year Edition and get all the game add-ons in one go).

There's a secondary quest line, almost as large and important as the primary one, that finds you investigating a plot against the Dark Elf family that rules the island. There are mines full of Draugr Deathlords and hidden “black books” that lead to yet more Apocrypha realms to explore, each one a navigational puzzle in itself. There's a treasure map and several archaeological expeditions to tag along with. If you're a werewolf, there's something just for you up in the mountains. Thieves Guild membership pays off in another quest. Even something as esoteric as knowing about The Lusty Argonian Maid can lead to fresh content, if you rummage in the right place.

There are new creatures to fight, such as the eerie floating Netch which resemble Mass Effect's Hanar, lumbering Bristleback boars and the fearsome Ash Spawn, who attack en masse with heavy melee attacks and fire magic. There are new crafting materials - Heart Stone and Stalhrim, a tempered ice that can be used to make armour and weapons. There are even new plants and ingredients to add to your recipes.

Any game that demands hundreds of hours from the player must build a long-term relationship, and relationships must remain fresh if they're to endure. With discoveries around every corner, Dragonborn just gave Skyrim fans the perfect excuse to lose themselves in the wild for another winter.

Spears are in, but if you pick them up then they turn into big arrows >:.


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  1. TheCrimsonclownpc
    • BANNED
    • 0 kudos
    Bethesda has proved they hate me for having a ps3 and pc, so i will not buy this. i hope the bugs in it is not bad like heartyhfire for the few fans bethesda has left. RIP Bethesda as you used to be.
  2. MrTUN3R
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    I never played Oblivion's DLC's. Yet I honestly can't understand how those Xbox idiots don't feel ripped off, guess that's why they are called Xbox idiots.

    Gaming journalism is a bad joke.
  3. artigus
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    When looking in the creation kit, All editor ID's of Hearthfire's objects are not labelled as DLC02 but as HF or something ( I forgot:O) but DG is still dlc01 if dragonborn is labelled as DLC02, HF may have never been official DLC rather an addon
    Also in the Hearthfire trailer it was referenced that HF was addon content or something. not DLC
  4. ewi65
    • BANNED
    • 814 kudos
    first. we neeeeeeeeeeed a update bethesda!!!! without any issues or other bugs.
    second. aha dragonborn. juhu the same s#*! like dawnguard when i play the first time without mods or patches?

  5. joseph011296
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    I remember back when I only had Fallout 3 for my xbox.
    I was so starved for content that when the DLCs came out I got them the first day every time.
    Then I got the PC version, I got so busy enjoying the games amazing mod community (particularly The Fallout 3 Nexus) that I barely touched the DLCs again.
    When Dawnguard came out I was really hyped for it but was in California seeing my Grandma on vacation.
    It wasn't out for PC yet but I still had a Xbox copy and my little brother had already played and beat the Dawnguard by the time I got back.
    When it came out on PC I bout it first day, I was very excited by the new content.
    I haven't really played it yet, I got to when you first approach the castle at the very beginning of the DLC then lost interest and went to play more of the AWESOME quest mods the community here was made.
    I'm okay with waiting a little while for the DLC because I only really buy the DLC at this point for the mods the community makes for them.
    Instead of playing this I'm leveling a new Character (Khajiit) to play through the Elsywer Mod.
    The only really real difference between the official DLCs and the quality mods is that they are official content
    Enjoy the mods we have (THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS OF THEM) and wait patently for the DLC guys
  6. Hinthus
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    @apoptosis2 It's The Elder Scrolls online that' coming up next, which in my opinion, and it's just my opinion guys, it will not be as good as the rest of them. It really looks like guild wars 2 with an Elder Scrolls twist. Go look some of it up and decide for yourself haha. Just a side-note, I've been wanting online co-op since fallout 3, but not like what they've decided to do for TES Online. More like friends could hop into your game or vice-versa and the two of you could tear the wasteland (or in this case, Tamrial, forgive my spelling) a new one. Please forgive any spelling, punctuation, or grammar problems, it's late, I'm tired, and my keyboard is doing weird things...
  7. 893kira
    • BANNED
    • 1 kudos
    Totally wish they would release a freaking update before this dlc. Hopefully Bethesda would not abandon this game after dlc. Updates please bethesda your newest update causes some issue in your quest like downloading a freaking pirated game.
  8. terrain182
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    let's just pretend that this dlc as a new year present from beth..
  9. blitzen
    • supporter
    • 37 kudos
    Lots of complaining. Just pretend that Xbox doesn't exist and never got the DLC first, and that it's coming out exclusively for PC in January. There. Don't you feel better now? Oh, and also pretend that the game still doesn't work for PS3, and that the new content was never released for it. Oh, wait...
  10. dumb45
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Learn how to get bitches while playing Skyrim here: Link removed

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