Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword
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  • Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword
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  • WFas Enhanced RE-Enhanced

    WFas Enhanced RE-Enhanced

    Last Update: 27 May 2012
    Author: el_enfante AND Morgh
    Uploader: jazeeradxb

    it is basically WFaS with ability to make your own kingdom, upgrade your companions into individual lords in your kingdom, more random parties running around the map, a mine where you can make slaves work there so you get profit and put guards to prevent slaves from running, and some more items. by el infante and morgh! this is mod created by e

    • 327.0MB
    • 327
    • --

    WFas Enhanced RE-Enhanced

    Last Update: 27 May 2012
    Author: jazeeradxb

    it is basically WFaS with ability to make your own kingdom, upgrade your companions into individual lords in your kingdom, more random parties running around the map, a mine where you can make slaves work there so you get profit and put guards to prevent slaves from running, and some more items. by el infante and morgh! this is mod created by e