Scenes and Maps
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A Warband module for a new multiplayer game mode, with long running time and multiple teams.
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A Warband module for a new multiplayer game mode, with long running time and multiple teams.
25 Calrade castles and fortresses
25 new castle-fortresses that replace native castle scenes in M&B Warband
- 137.1MB
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25 Calrade castles and fortresses
25 new castle-fortresses that replace native castle scenes in M&B Warband
33 Calrade castles and fortresses
This pack contains 30 new castle-fortress scenes for M&B Warband
- 220.2MB
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33 Calrade castles and fortresses
This pack contains 30 new castle-fortress scenes for M&B Warband
The Hornburg v. 0.11 for Warband 1.1553
This is the MP version of WWII China Battlefield.For the players who have already downloaded this mod(MP version) before, please install this patch first then play the game:v03.02.11 Patch
- 213.1MB
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This is the MP version of WWII China Battlefield.For the players who have already downloaded this mod(MP version) before, please install this patch first then play the game:v03.02.11 Patch
*UPDATED*v1.5 - 17th October 2010Check homepage URL for more details.*UPDATED*The reason I made this map pack was because I saw alot of custom maps out there that people were saying "this is a good map" yet the map was a very generic open map with a few ruins plonked down with a few bushes, and to me, tha
- 867KB
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*UPDATED*v1.5 - 17th October 2010Check homepage URL for more details.*UPDATED*The reason I made this map pack was because I saw alot of custom maps out there that people were saying "this is a good map" yet the map was a very generic open map with a few ruins plonked down with a few bushes, and to me, tha
A village with a little castle/manor nearby.
A 3 level castle siege.
Just two maps from LOTR theme :Helm's DeepBalin's TombHeavy modified ( complete recreated) Kazzan's and Arch3r's maps from Battle for Calradia and Full Invasion mod.They are created for invasion mode, but they can be used for any mode in warband. more info :
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Just two maps from LOTR theme :Helm's DeepBalin's TombHeavy modified ( complete recreated) Kazzan's and Arch3r's maps from Battle for Calradia and Full Invasion mod.They are created for invasion mode, but they can be used for any mode in warband. more info :
Viking Conquest Training Map MP-SP
A simple training map for Viking conquest multiplayer
A new average size town, 100% native props. Open Source, free to use for anybody. ***I will update the scene with few fixes soon***
- 138KB
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A new average size town, 100% native props. Open Source, free to use for anybody. ***I will update the scene with few fixes soon***
jousting arena, native compatible, made for crpg use
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jousting arena, native compatible, made for crpg use
Urban battle map.
The Viscount is feeling exotic, so he's gone and gotten himself (and YOU) lost while pretending he's an Arabian Sheikh! Luckily you found a bandit's hideout and the bandits were away, so you've been eating all their food, but now they've come back, and they're none too happy. Protect your lord and (albeit, dimwitted) mas
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The Viscount is feeling exotic, so he's gone and gotten himself (and YOU) lost while pretending he's an Arabian Sheikh! Luckily you found a bandit's hideout and the bandits were away, so you've been eating all their food, but now they've come back, and they're none too happy. Protect your lord and (albeit, dimwitted) mas
5 terrains with AI mesh & flora "ready to use" that you can use to build your own scenes.
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5 terrains with AI mesh & flora "ready to use" that you can use to build your own scenes.
Native Tevarin scene remix LSP
This mod is a remix of Tevarin from native Warband: it is looking more realistic, more medieval and has two ladders !
- 145KB
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Native Tevarin scene remix LSP
This mod is a remix of Tevarin from native Warband: it is looking more realistic, more medieval and has two ladders !
Huge fortress with native Rhodok props. LSP anybody can use as open source, credit for me and original authors apreciated.
- 101KB
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Huge fortress with native Rhodok props. LSP anybody can use as open source, credit for me and original authors apreciated.