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About this mod

The mod takes place in the 9th-10th century and invites you to plunge into the world of medieval Central Asia

Permissions and credits
The mod added 6 new factions, added new music, a map of Central Asia, new units and new characters, new banners. Replaced loading screens and main menu.

Armor from the OSP_Mongols files from the author Albet8908. New textures from Calradia in Darkness from the author CHUR.  Some parts of the interface are taken from Warband Ui retexture by Rohzedear. Added Chinese armor from the author zhangyuhu, skyboxes its advenced and enhenced author fengguoyehao, yurts its KelNaru or Emir Timur Bey Gurkani Mod. Bow animation is csk1d's ranged animation