About this mod
I didn't like how all the warriors were so perfectly standardized in a game set in the medieval era on a war-torn continent, so I decided to change that myself.
this sub-mod is not finished yet, I'm still updating it
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Rebalances all the troops in the game (in folder TROOP VISUALS & REBALANCING)
- Slightly improves all companions (in folder TROOP VISUALS & REBALANCING)
- Greatly improves the Khergit troops (they were too weak and poorly equipped) (in folder TROOP VISUALS & REBALANCING)
- Greatly improves the mercenary troops (they were very poorly equipped, now their salaries match their strength) (in folder TROOP VISUALS & REBALANCING)
- Changes some castle scenes (in folder NEW SCENES)
- Add more variety of equipment for 80% of the troops in the mod, making each soldier a little more varied and unique and making the visual experience of battles less monotonous (in folder TROOP VISUALS & REBALANCING and GAMEPLAY TWEAKS)
- Changed the status of some items (in folder ITEMS REBALANCING)
- Quests given by guild masters or elders now give more relation points with the city or village, the quests "bring cattle" and "bring grain" now give 10 prosperity to villages instead of 4, some actions that give honor now give 50% more honor, some actions that add relation to lords now give 50% more relation points (it's not a big increase, it's something like 2 points to 3 points gained or 4 to 6, but it makes doing quests for nobles a lot more fun) and the prisioner management skill allows you to have 10 prisoners at each point instead of 5 (in folder GAMEPLAY TWEAKS)
- replaces armors that were not used in the game (they were only used as easter eggs) with new armors that are now being used (in folder NEW ARMORS) Armors used: https://www.nexusmods.com/mbwarband/mods/6129?tab=posts
- Armor hit sounds have been changed to more realistic and less epic sounds (in folder REALISTIC HIT SOUNDS)
Future plans: change some animations
WARNING: This sub-mod will work on an existing savegame, but I recommend creating a new game (changing the status of troops and companions will not work in existing savegame, but the following things will work: Equipment rebalance, castle scenes, item rebalance, gameplay tweaks, realistic hit sounds, new armors and troop visuals, replace music and replace texture)
This entire page was written with Google Translate as I do not fully master the English language. If you find any errors or strange words, I apologize.
ALL CREDITS FOR THE CREATION OF THE BANNERPAGE MOD ARE HERE (https://www.moddb.com/mods/bannerpage ---- https://www.nexusmods.com/mbwarband/mods/6482) AND HERE (https://www.moddb.com/members/gorillaguerrilla ---- https://next.nexusmods.com/profile/GorillaGuerrilla/about-me?gameId=191) I JUST MADE SOME ADJUSTMENTS FOR PERSONAL USE AND I'M SHARING IT