Mount & Blade: Warband

Mod articles

  • UPDATE 07/17/2012: "Modding Quietly"

    Oh my goodness, I can't believe it is already past the middle of June. I'm currently on a slow modding roll but I've stayed away from heavy duty coding until I'm how I exactly want the economy to work. Most of my time has went into Medieval research the past few months. I've watched documentaries, read books, read articles, read reports, and even played games dealing with the Medieval period. At the end of it all I still find myself a bit frustrated of it all and not too sure how I want to proceed when it comes to converting real life mechanics and translating it to game play.

    Warband, is the medieval period on acid & speed in terms of pacing. What should take years in real life only takes days to do in Warband. Situations like castle sieges are a good exam...