Mass Effect Legendary Edition

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Your Choices Matter was never intended to enter such prolonged development but such is life sometimes, that things get in the way and complicate how much mental energy there's left when your life is suddenly full of additional obligations and distractions. Regardless, I keep holding on to the idea of finishing this overhaul to Mass Effect 3, which pivots the general flow of the game pervasively with the addition of more options to choose from in conversations, less auto-dialogue and all new cinematics in many parts of the game.

The goal has always been to return ME3 to a game-flow similar to ME2, and it's made solely for people who missed that. I also hope to enrich the existing narrative along the way with a mix of lost content being restored, and some small personal additions that hopefully provide people with the sense of resonance with past decisions that the official game fell slightly short of.

It's okay if you've seen this before and it no longer impresses you or interests you. I just hope that there are people like me who see the value in changing ME3 in this way, to make the next playthrough feel like the version of the game you never got.


  1. Kurovamp01
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    I would absolutely love to have this in my game! I hated how so many of ME3's conversations were done for you
  2. SpagballsAndMeatgetti
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    I'm so excited for this mod! Bioware went down so many wrong directions in the development of ME3 and what grated me almost as most as the ending was the streamlining of the dialogue... It disregarded two games worth of character development to fit what Mac and Casey wanted. 

    Anyway, Keep the great work up and I'll be eagerly waiting to download YCM
  3. guil921
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    Been following this mod for 3 years now and everytime you release a new video my excitment grows. I remember in the past i asked if you would bring it to LE annd you said that probably not so soon and i got a little sad but the mod was worth it. Now it's not only coming to LE it seems it's closer than never to release. Can't wait for what news you're gonna drop on D7 but i'm really looking forward to it (also didn't know you uploaded you videos here too, only watched them on yt, but now will follow here too and hopefully see you releasing a mod page for YCM)
  4. Sunegami
    • supporter
    • 17 kudos
    I am so unbelievably excited for this!