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Celebratory Greeting: Happy N7 Day! The Elcor Hamlet Appreciation Society have prepared a special presentation. Please enjoy!

1 comment

  1. jurassiccritter
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Thank you for taking the time to put together the vid.
    The EHAS Mod Team is like a Jedi Council of modders; many masters working together -- wow!
    Thank goodness you didn't call yourselves "Team Gizka 2" lol (sorry, bad ...and very old joke )
    I didn't know there was any major cut content from ME1 until now. Are there any more details on the "Caleston Restored" mod?
    1. Audemus
      • Moderator
      • 289 kudos
      Haha I was around in the old KotOR modding days so I remember Team Gizka!

      For updates on Caleston Restored join the Mass Effect Modding Discord at and keep an eye on the developer showcase channel!