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About this mod

In this guide, I will explain how you can edit the Coalesced_INT.bin file yourself!

Permissions and credits
With the way current Coalesced_xx.bin editing works, compatibility can be a disaster.

But what if you could create your own?
Or merge it yourself?

I present you my hopefully somewhat clearer guide on how to edit the Coalesced_xx.bin for ME1 and ME2.

Included in the guide are the parameters I used to create my 
LEME2 - AAW - SCR - FOV - Toggle HUD  (Allow all weapons, Shepard Can Run, ...)
Toggle HUD

If you have questions regarding the guide, ask away!

Edit: More links

I'll add more links here to Coalesced editing.
No use updating the main file just for a new link I find every time...
! Attention ! - these are based on the regular ME 2, not the LE edition, so far i've found 1 parameter named differently.

bsnooch.com - Forum with parameter edits explained
ME2 modding tutorial
ME 2 wiki about coalesced editing
Editing Coalesced_INT.bin (2017 steam)