I’m (probably) not going to port this to LE2, and definitely not to LE1 because of patches and compatibility issues. Look at permissions for more info.
If there are duplicates in the appearance selection and you can’t find the color/affiliation you want, pick one of the duplicates and try reloading the save.
There’s always going to be a somewhat visible seam on femShep's neck and in this case I didn’t want to cover it as I think the lower neckline looks better. And on that note…
Some of the femShep versions have a gap between the body and the neck seam (specifically the ones without the dog tag) while some don’t. I’m not sure what causes it and at this point I don't think I can fix them. Everytime I've tried fixing anything on the female models, another problem has popped up making me hesitant trying to update them.
1.1 Fixed some skin-weight issues around the shoulders/armpits on the male models.
been looking for a casual outfit that isn't too casual to wear in the middle of a war. Thank you so much for this mod + your other t-shirt and leggings one, they are really nice to use and don't instantly break my immersion while letting shep look a bit more relaxed!
I always imagine my shepard being more relaxed with the uniform and hair regs during me3. Still, anything besides the n7 hoodie felt a little too far, especially if it was a dress or something overly revealing. this mod is perfect and won't be leaving my load order! <3
Just wanted to say that these are fantastic! I love them. My favorite for my femshep, Selene, is the rolled up sleeved N7 with Aliance blue tags. Thanks so much.
Hey I remember you being extremely open to and gracious towards suggestions so in case you see this, I think Joker is the character most suited to this look (besides as an option for Shepard), if you could provide an option that equips him in the unzipped rolled sleeve version and changed the name tag on it to Moreau I think it would be extremely fitting and for me personally would be his definitive look that sets him apart from the rest of the crew. Thanks for your consideration
Giving Joker the outfit would change the nature of this mod imo as it was only meant to be an outfit for Shepard. Changing the name tag wouldn't be impossible but unfortunately a bit of a hassle.
If anyone would like to add one of the outfits to a Joker mod I wouldn't oppose it, I just want them to ask me first! :)
I don't know if you still read comments for this mod, but I just wanted to say that I absolutely LOVE it!! These outfits are now my go-to when it comes to casual uniforms for my current Femshep. They're perfect! Thank you very much for giving us the opportunity to add them to our "wardrobe". :)
I always imagine my shepard being more relaxed with the uniform and hair regs during me3. Still, anything besides the n7 hoodie felt a little too far, especially if it was a dress or something overly revealing. this mod is perfect and won't be leaving my load order! <3
This is long overdue from Buy-o-ware (more like MIA,) so good on ya!
Thank you!
Giving Joker the outfit would change the nature of this mod imo as it was only meant to be an outfit for Shepard. Changing the name tag wouldn't be impossible but unfortunately a bit of a hassle.
If anyone would like to add one of the outfits to a Joker mod I wouldn't oppose it, I just want them to ask me first! :)