Mass Effect Legendary Edition
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  1. Asonea
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    best mod ever
  2. blackwhitenexusbw
    • member
    • 0 kudos
  3. ARZZiO
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Should i also put the ahk file in the game's directory?
    1. lexx766
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      No this is the source of the script, it is needed to compile the exe-file
  4. sayol99
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    Great work! Since my Steam version LE launcher suddenly decide to crash everytime. I was suggested to download this mod and it totally worked. Thanks!
  5. lexx766
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Great mod!
    I finished it for myself.
    Always annoyed by the lack of ability to open the Quest Journal in ME2/ME3 by pressing "J".

    SendMode Input

    Menu, Tray, NoStandard
    Menu, Tray, Tip, MELo v2.3
    Menu, Tray, Add, Mass Effect 1, ME1
    Menu, Tray, Add, Mass Effect 2, ME2
    Menu, Tray, Add, Mass Effect 3, ME3
    Menu, Tray, Add ; Seperator
    Menu, Tray, Add, Close, GuiClose

    ConfigFilename := "MassEffectLauncher.ini"

    ; Load language choices from the config file
    SetWorkingDir % A_ScriptDir
    IniRead, LangChoice, %ConfigFilename%, Language, Lang, English
    IniRead, EnglishVOChoice, %ConfigFilename%, Language, EnglishVO, 1

    ; Load other game settings from the config file
    ; SubtitleSize: Small = 16; Medium = 20; Large = 24 (from original BioWare launcher)
    IniRead, SubtitleSize, %ConfigFilename%, Settings, SubtitleSize, 20
    IniRead, ControllerVibration, %ConfigFilename%, Settings, ControllerVibration, 1
    IniRead, GameplayTelemetry, %ConfigFilename%, Settings, GameplayTelemetry, 0
    IniRead, CrashReports, %ConfigFilename%, Settings, CrashReports, 0
    IniRead, LE2_LE3Hotkey, %ConfigFilename%, Settings, LE2_LE3Hotkey, 1

    ; Load launcher settings from the config file
    IniRead, RestoreGUIOnExitGame, %ConfigFilename%, Launcher, RestoreGUIOnExitGame, 0

    ; Determine starting index of the language selector GUI
    LangIndices := {"English": 1, "French": 2, "German": 3, "Spanish": 4, "Italian": 5, "Russian": 6, "Polish": 7, "Japanese": 8}
    if (not LangIndex := LangIndices[LangChoice]) {
    LangIndex := 1

    ; Determine whether the English VO checkbox GUI is to be started checked
    EnglishVOChecked := EnglishVOChoice ? "Checked" : ""

    LE2_LE3HotkeyChecked := LE2_LE3Hotkey ? "Checked" : ""

    ; Determine whether to pass the command to disable controller vibration
    ControllerVibrationCommand := ControllerVibration ? "" : " -NOFORCEFEEDBACK"

    ; Determine whether to pass the commands to enable crash reporting and gameplay telemetry
    GameplayTelemetryCommand := GameplayTelemetry ? " -TELEMOPTIN" : ""
    CrashReportsCommand := CrashReports ? " -EnableBugSentry" : ""

    Commandline := " -NoHomeDir -SeekFreeLoadingPCConsole -locale {locale} -Subtitles " . SubtitleSize . ControllerVibrationCommand . GameplayTelemetryCommand . CrashReportsCommand
    OverrideLanguageCommand := " -OVERRIDELANGUAGE=" ; Used by ME1 and ME2
    LanguageCommand := " -language=" ; Used by ME3

    Gui, Add, Button, w200 h50 gME1, Mass Effect 1
    Gui, Add, Button, w200 h50 gME2, Mass Effect 2
    Gui, Add, Button, w200 h50 gME3, Mass Effect 3
    Gui, Add, Text, w200 0x10 ; Seperator
    Gui, Add, DropDownList, yp8 w115 vLangChoice Choose%LangIndex% Section, English|French|German|Spanish|Italian|Russian|Polish|Japanese
    Gui, Add, CheckBox, x135 ys+4 vEnglishVOChoice %EnglishVOChecked%, English VO
    Gui, Add, Text, x10 w200 0x10 ; Seperator
    Gui, Add, CheckBox, yp10 vLE2_LE3Hotkey %LE2_LE3HotkeyChecked%, Enable HotKey LE2/LE3

    Gui, Show,, MELo v2.3

    $j:: ; Journal
    WinGetActiveTitle, Title
    if(InStr(Title, "Mass Effect 2")) and LE2_LE3Hotkey = 1
    WinGetPos, ,, Wpos, Hpos, Mass Effect 2
    Send {Esc}
    Sleep 100
    Wpos := (0.3125 * Wpos)
    Hpos := (0.370 * Hpos)
    MouseMove %Wpos%, %Hpos%
    Sleep 80
    MouseMove Wpos+2, %Hpos%
    Sleep 20
    Send {Enter}
    else if(InStr(Title, "Mass Effect 3")) and LE2_LE3Hotkey = 1
    WinGetPos, ,, Wpos, Hpos, Mass Effect 3
    Send {Esc}
    Sleep 100
    IfExist, % A_ScriptDir . "\..\ME3\BioGame\DLC\DLC_MOD_LE3Patch\"
    Wpos := (0.3125 * Wpos)
    Hpos := (0.490 * Hpos)
    IfNotExist, % A_ScriptDir . "\..\ME3\BioGame\DLC\DLC_MOD_LE3Patch\"
    Wpos := (0.3125 * Wpos)
    Hpos := (0.435 * Hpos)
    MouseMove %Wpos%, %Hpos%
    Sleep 80
    MouseMove Wpos+2, %Hpos%
    Sleep 20
    Send {Enter}
    Send {j}

    $u:: ; Squad
    WinGetActiveTitle, Title
    if(InStr(Title, "Mass Effect 2")) and LE2_LE3Hotkey = 1
    WinGetPos, ,, Wpos, Hpos, Mass Effect 2
    Send {Esc}
    Sleep 100
    Wpos := (0.3125 * Wpos)
    Hpos := (0.440 * Hpos)
    MouseMove %Wpos%, %Hpos%
    Sleep 80
    MouseMove Wpos+2, %Hpos%
    Sleep 20
    Send {Enter}
    else if(InStr(Title, "Mass Effect 3")) and LE2_LE3Hotkey = 1
    WinGetPos, ,, Wpos, Hpos, Mass Effect 3
    Send {Esc}
    Sleep 100
    IfExist, % A_ScriptDir . "\..\ME3\BioGame\DLC\DLC_MOD_LE3Patch\"
    Wpos := (0.482 * Wpos)
    Hpos := (0.602 * Hpos)
    IfNotExist, % A_ScriptDir . "\..\ME3\BioGame\DLC\DLC_MOD_LE3Patch\"
    Wpos := (0.3125 * Wpos)
    Hpos := (0.510 * Hpos)
    MouseMove %Wpos%, %Hpos%
    Sleep 80
    MouseMove Wpos+2, %Hpos%
    Sleep 20
    Send {Enter}
    Send {u}

    SetWorkingDir % A_ScriptDir . "\..\ME1\Binaries\Win64"
    MsgBox, , Error, Game not installed
    Gui, Submit
    Gosub, SaveConfig
    Gosub, Set%LangChoice%
    RunWait % A_ScriptDir . "\..\ME1\Binaries\Win64\MassEffect1.exe" . Commandline . OverrideLanguageCommand . ME1Lang
    Gosub, GameClosed

    SetWorkingDir % A_ScriptDir . "\..\ME2\Binaries\Win64"
    MsgBox, , Error, Game not installed
    Gui, Submit
    Gosub, SaveConfig
    Gosub, Set%LangChoice%
    RunWait % A_ScriptDir . "\..\ME2\Binaries\Win64\MassEffect2.exe" . Commandline . OverrideLanguageCommand . ME2Lang
    Gosub, GameClosed

    SetWorkingDir % A_ScriptDir . "\..\ME3\Binaries\Win64"
    MsgBox, , Error, Game not installed
    Gui, Submit
    Gosub, SaveConfig
    Gosub, Set%LangChoice%
    RunWait % A_ScriptDir . "\..\ME3\Binaries\Win64\MassEffect3.exe" . Commandline . LanguageCommand . ME3Lang
    Gosub, GameClosed

    ME1Lang := "INT"
    ME2Lang := "INT"
    ME3Lang := "INT"

    ME1Lang := EnglishVOChoice ? "FE" : "FR"
    ME2Lang := EnglishVOChoice ? "FRE" : "FRA"
    ME3Lang := EnglishVOChoice ? "FRE" : "FRA"

    ME1Lang := EnglishVOChoice ? "GE" : "DE"
    ME2Lang := EnglishVOChoice ? "DEE" : "DEU"
    ME3Lang := EnglishVOChoice ? "DEE" : "DEU"

    ME1Lang := "ES"
    ME2Lang := "ESN"
    ME3Lang := "ESN"

    ME1Lang := EnglishVOChoice ? "IE" : "IT"
    ME2Lang := EnglishVOChoice ? "ITE" : "ITA"
    ME3Lang := EnglishVOChoice ? "ITE" : "ITA"

    ME1Lang := EnglishVOChoice ? "RU" : "RA"
    ME2Lang := "RUS"
    ME3Lang := "RUS"

    ME1Lang := EnglishVOChoice ? "PL" : "PLPC"
    ME2Lang := EnglishVOChoice ? "POE" : "POL"
    ME3Lang := "POL"

    ME1Lang := "JA"
    ME2Lang := "JPN"
    ME3Lang := "JPN"

    If (RestoreGUIOnExitGame) {
    Gui, Show
    } else {

    SetWorkingDir % A_ScriptDir
    IniWrite, %LangChoice%, %ConfigFilename%, Language, Lang
    IniWrite, %EnglishVOChoice%, %ConfigFilename%, Language, EnglishVO
    IniWrite, %SubtitleSize%, %ConfigFilename%, Settings, SubtitleSize
    IniWrite, %ControllerVibration%, %ConfigFilename%, Settings, ControllerVibration
    IniWrite, %GameplayTelemetry%, %ConfigFilename%, Settings, GameplayTelemetry
    IniWrite, %CrashReports%, %ConfigFilename%, Settings, CrashReports
    IniWrite, %RestoreGUIOnExitGame%, %ConfigFilename%, Launcher, RestoreGUIOnExitGame
    IniWrite, %LE2_LE3Hotkey%, %ConfigFilename%, Settings, LE2_LE3Hotkey

    Gui, Submit, NoHide
    Gosub, SaveConfig

    Tested at a screen resolution of 1920x1980, but should work with any.
  6. niewidomy
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Great stuff mate works just as intended. I was wondering though. Is it possible to run separate games directly? I'm adding all the games I have to Hyperspin machine and I try to avoid having to use mouse at all.
  7. Logarithmically
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    How it finally work for me on Windows 7... 

    2. Use the DXVK(Version 1.9) – Located in the “Additional Files”
    Note: The updated version 2.0 did not work
    3. Extract from zip and from folder x64 copy dxgi.dll & d3d11.dll into each...
    Steam\steamapps\common\MassEffect Legendary Edition\Game\ME1\Binaries\Win64
    Steam\steamapps\common\MassEffect Legendary Edition\Game\ME2\Binaries\Win64
    Steam\steamapps\common\MassEffect Legendary Edition\Game\ME3\Binaries\Win64
    4. Locate xinput1_3.dll from C:\Windows\System32 on your computer and copy into each...
    Steam\steamapps\common\MassEffect Legendary Edition\Game\ME1\Binaries\Win64
    Steam\steamapps\common\MassEffect Legendary Edition\Game\ME2\Binaries\Win64
    Steam\steamapps\common\MassEffect Legendary Edition\Game\ME3\Binaries\Win64
    5. Rename that file in each to read xinput1_4.dll
    6. For English users download the Batch file and under the folder Mass Effect Legendary Edition copy the matching bat files into each...
    Steam\steamapps\common\MassEffect Legendary Edition\Game\ME1\Binaries\Win64
    Steam\steamapps\common\MassEffect Legendary Edition\Game\ME2\Binaries\Win64
    Steam\steamapps\common\MassEffect Legendary Edition\Game\ME3\Binaries\Win64
    7. For non–English users follow rataj’s tutorial on the Description page No.8-10
    9. I used dividebyzero’s Launcher by Extracting from zip MassEffectLauncher.exe and copy/replace into...
    Steam\steamapps\common\MassEffect Legendary Edition\Game\Launcher
    10. Uninstall EA from the computer and download Origin onto the computer...
    Note: Maybe it works without deleting EA but after developing a rash I deleted it.
    11. Login into Origin and get it all happy and running and then logout and exit.
    Note: I noticed that if I left Origin open and then clicked in Steam the Play button and then exited out of the game Origin 1 out 3 times jammed on me (could be my computer).
    12. The game should open up on all three and you will have to adjust to your screen resolution and toggle to fullscreen if applicable.

    In... Steam\steamapps\common\MassEffect Legendary Edition\Game\ME1\BioGame\Config\BIOEngine.ini  I set StartupFullscreen=false and hit save.
    Note: Not sure how much that worked because I never did it for ME2 or ME3 but I’ll add it. I tried changing the screen resolution numbers and they kept reverting back even when I hit save.
    Also... I did download a Hex-Editor and changed the Offset’s according to rataj’s tutorial on the Description page No.5-7. And by changing those values I found that it did not work at all in my case so I had to change the numbers back to the original. But...It might help in your case so I’ll add it.
    Also... I stopped other programs from running in the background including my Antivirus Software but that did not seem to cause any disruption. And I did not add or play with any other customizable options. 

    Respect and Thanks to...
    rataj, dividebyzero, Chromix, and CS for making it possible to play this beautiful trilogy. 
  8. xxLTSxx
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Having the dreaded Win7: "ERROR: There is a problem with your game's setup. Please reinstall your game."  ?

    Bought the Origin version and are itching to play?  I think I might have you covered.

    The issue is the Legendary Edition launcher.  Mass Effect 1 works PERFECTLY with Windows 7 (on Origin) WITHOUT any hex editing of the EXEs and without any custom batch/BAT files.  What's causing the problem?  Two things: the stupid Legendary Launcher EA added, and the new DX11 API calls that ME1 uses.

    Steps to resolve:
    - Make sure your Mass Effect 1 install folder and EXE is the basic, standard
    one included in the latest game update with no modifications.

    - Grab Dividebyzero's "Custom Launcher for Unlocking All Language Options"
    mod - this replaces EA's standard/most recently-updated Legendary Edition Launcher
    EXE (you dont need the included AHK file, just that Nexus page's Launcher EXE).

    - Grab the latest Doitsujin DXVK   In the tar.gz file (needs
    WinRAR or 7zip to open it), you wanna grab the DXGI and D3D11 DLL files
    from the x64 folder, place BOTH of those next to your Mass Effect 1 EXE,
    and {OPTIONAL:} possibly a xinput1_4 DLL file (copied from Windows System 32, find xinput1_3 DLL, COPY it, then PASTE it next to the Mass Effect 1 EXE, and change the 3 to a 4 in its filename) if you want to use a gamepad too, and BAM - game boots, works great with DS4Windows gamepads.

    - With the Custom Language Options launcher having overwritten EA's, you can select which Mass Effect game
    to boot simply by right-clicking your little orange Origin taskbar icon and selecting MEL from the game list, EA's Legendary Launcher never
    loads, and DXVK will boot Mass Effect 1 in its full glory using the Vulkan API instead of DX11.  Once you confirm that the title screen works, you will likely have to set your gfx settings and screen size, then re-launch the game to commit the changes.

    Mods like the Community Patch and better FOV camera seem to be working fine, so if you've hit the title screen, you should be
    clear to start adding all the mods you want.  This is a single player game, so it is advised you disable the in-game Origin overlay due to it
    potentially causing performance problems.

    Would like to thank Rataje, Dividebyzero, the folks all working on DXVK projects, and
    everyone that worked on the Windows 7 tutorial for helping get this gameworking, it looks great and runs great on my older Win7 GTX 1070
    system!  I assume repeating the process for the Mass Effect 2 and 3 EXE files (DXGI, D3D11, and COPIED xinput1_4 DLLs have to go in EACH ME game's EXE folder) gets them working just the same.  If I encounter any crashes or problems I'll update this, but yeah....  game looks amazing after all these years.  A shame EA mucked it up.
    1. xxLTSxx
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Try and keep this guide bumped towards the top.
    2. TomFord79
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Really useful, many thanks!! It helped me get the game running but on the latest version of DXVK (1.10.1) the game crashed on a  VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST. Using the 1-step older version fixed that.
      I hope this can help others too :D
  9. redtrolley
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Thank you, dvidebyzero!

    My Steam-purchased Legendary edition stopped loading after several play sessions (Steam starts Origin which then says MELeg isn't installed and stops launching). Using your custom launcher bypassed whatever was stuck, and now I can play again. Thank so much for this.
  10. Silveressa
    • premium
    • 18 kudos
    Even when using this file the game crashes right after choosing which game to launch with the error  exception code c0000005

    Any suggestions?

    Edit: For anyone else who runs into the problem, do a google search for  MELE-Win7RUN.7z and download the files, then copy them into the relevant ME LE install folders and you'll be good to go.
    1. DalaronQuest
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I'm going to try this on the morrow! (as it is 2:30 am rn)

      Cuz I found this mod as a solution for the "ERROR: There is a problem with your game's setup. Please reinstall your game." on my Win 7 Ultimate x64bit system. As it stands the mod unfortunately didn't work for me. Replaced the launcher, still getting the Please Reinstall issue.

      The different launcher comes up, I click ME1, Origin comes back up, then the launcher comes up again, click ME1 again, ERROR: Please Reinstall.

      Came here hoping for a solution/fix, and I'm hoping this is it!

      Love ME and I'm *really* excited to play MELE, hoping my heart doesn't get broken. T^T

    2. Moisewitz
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I'm upping this comment since I came accross the exact same problem s DlaronQuest on Win7: "ERROR: There is a problem with your game's setup. Please reinstall your game."
    3. xxLTSxx
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Might have solved the ME Legendary Win7 issue, check my post.