Mass Effect Legendary Edition
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.... and I just cant get that last bar filled :(   ?


  1. RickyTheOx
    • supporter
    • 146 kudos
    I think I figured it out, Quarians ,,, i kill them every time   :P
  2. ThatMrSmile
    • premium
    • 403 kudos
    Technically you don't need that last bit, you already have everything to get the "Shepard lives" ending.
    1. RickyTheOx
      • supporter
      • 146 kudos
      Ya I know ...  but .. just for the "thing"
  3. startoucher
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    hard to know what is missing.
    1. RickyTheOx
      • supporter
      • 146 kudos
      Ya .. I have no idea
    2. startoucher
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      have you done all the small sidequest. In the citadel someone is talking about something and you get a notice. Like in Huerta there is 3 of those.  One is for asari who is looking biotic amp interface. Listening to peoples conversations fully will end up adding points to it.  For example turian and asari couple at the Normandy docking area. Or Aethyta and Liara conversation. that one is is easy to retrigger. (sometimes you need to leave the area or come back later) listen then if it stops walk away a bit where Spetimus Oraka is sitting. Come back and new section of the chat s triggered. (Project Varjety plays those chats in one single session)

      search 8.550 War Assets with your search engine and it should give you article on steam that lists all the points and what you need to do. 
    3. RickyTheOx
      • supporter
      • 146 kudos
      Tnx for info  =)