Mass Effect Legendary Edition
Profile Reconstruction

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About this image

Default Jane is not my cup of tea, and since it is not yet possible to directly edit her I have made a personal version from scratch. 
I may officially have a girl crush on FemShep.

Big thank you to 
Karlitos for the Trilogy Save Editor mod, without which the tweaks I made would not have been possible.

(MELE1 - No other mods used)


  1. bruhgraham
    • member
    • 11 kudos
    what is the IDs for the normal and diff for the default femshep face textures?
    1. MsTHunter
      • supporter
      • 39 kudos
      This wonderful source (courtesy of akirafay) has all of the info you will need to create your own Jane. 

      Anna Shepard and Iconic Hair Tutorial
      (codes near the bottom of the DESCRIPTION page)

      Thanks for stopping by and good luck!
  2. akirafay
    • supporter
    • 7 kudos
    She looks wonderful! <3
    Could you share her headmorph, by any chance? O:)
    1. MsTHunter
      • supporter
      • 39 kudos
      Thank you very much for the kindness and interest!
      I have made her for personal use for the time being, but if there is still a desire for her after my play through I may toss her codes up.
      In the meantime it looks as if some great default FemShep mods may be on the horizon to help in the reconstruction process. 
    2. MsTHunter
      • supporter
      • 39 kudos
      So ummm...I'm a dummy who didn't look at your name before responding...which is funny because YOU are in fact a source of one of the previously mentioned "great default FemShep mods". LOL
      I wish I would've had your guide when I made this gal.  I've no doubt it will come in handy for others though so I linked it above for easy access to anyone interested. Thank you for sharing!!
  3. Jenya66
    • premium
    • 221 kudos
    Default Jane is not my cup of tea, and since it is not yet possible to directly edit her
    1. vaeltaja404
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hi! could you tell me how you did it?
    2. Jenya66
      • premium
      • 221 kudos
      With a bit of dark magic, scripting, 3d editing, lots of patience and few exploaded heads.
    3. vaeltaja404
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      that's really helpful, thanks
    4. MsTHunter
      • supporter
      • 39 kudos
      VERY NICE Jenya, I stand corrected!
      However, since I do not possess the prerequisite dark magic and such, I will steer clear of the exploding heads and leave the very impressive task of editing the default mesh in your very capable hands.
      I'll be cheering you on and truly can't wait to see what you come up with!

      Oh and THANK YOU again for the help learning my way around the ropes. You are awesome!
    5. Jenya66
      • premium
      • 221 kudos
      You are a quick learner <3
      Also vaeltaja404 that Shep headmorph would be avalable for download soon. Sorry I'm not good with explainig the technical aspect of how it was done.
    6. vaeltaja404
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      this is great, thank you very much! 
    7. TheSnarkyShaman
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Can Sheploo be edited as well?
    8. Jenya66
      • premium
      • 221 kudos
      Dunno yet. Maybe.
  4. LittleCloudxJ
    • supporter
    • 133 kudos
    Ohh, that's so good!

    I like the original, but there was always something off about her. Your version is pretty much perfect.
    1. MsTHunter
      • supporter
      • 39 kudos
      I think it was that particular combo of eye/nose/lips shapes that irked me enough to try my hand at "improvements".
      Thank you so much for the kind comment, I am so glad you like her!