Mass Effect Andromeda

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About this mod

retextures and alteration options for the pathfinder's hoodie

Permissions and credits
Attention: This mod is no longer being supported or updated.

This mod has been uploaded by "The Care Taker" at the request of its owner. The Care Taker account is run by Nexus Mods for the purpose of hosting mods created by authors who are no longer active in the community.

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Happy modding!

Hoodie Options

Alternatively: I saw some nice hoodies on tumblr and wanted to put them into the game. Consider this a WIP.

The Basics

There are, as of right now, two versions.

Floral Version - retextures the sleeves, shoulder portion, and inside of hood with a dark red and black floral pattern. Chest piece and trims remain tintable. This alters both the diffuse and the tint map; optionally, it also alters the normal and the specular (mask) maps, if using the No Patch version.

Flat Colors Version - works by editing the entire tint map rather than through a basic retexture. Optionally, it does effect the diffuse, normal and specular (mask) maps, if using the No Patch version.

These are all packed separately - eight files in total - to give you maximum control over what you do or don't install; ergo, you can have both Ryders in floral, or one in Floral and one in Flat, or one in one of them and one in a different hoodie retexture.

OPTIONAL - I have offered up a PSD for recoloring or editing as you see fit, . I did the whole hoodie, so don't feel limited in what you retexture! Additionally, each version of the hoodie comes packed with the .fbproject in tact for you to tweak as you like. You can extract the tint, normal and specular (mask) maps from there. If you need help with any of these, just ask me!

Also note there are no FRyder images yet - I don't have a terribly good set up, so I only have my own mRyder savegame. Feel free to throw up some of your own, tho! (I will note I am worried I didn't make the right changes for them, or they'll be off - please don't hesitate to let me know if they are, either!)

If you need installation help - Munchyfly has already written an easy to follow installation guide.


Amadarav - Thx once more for testing for me and for the sweet encouragement!! You're a peach, can't wait to see Tansy and Oberon in these!
Floral Hoodie - What inspired it, where you can buy it, floral texture credits, blue floral texture credits
Flat Color Hoodie - What inspired it, where you can buy it


  • I do plan on adding other hoodie options, so feel free to toss out suggestions? I can't promise anything (I'm no Ellise or Skaramoosh, obvs), but I'd certainly like to try.
  • Eventually I'd like to tidy up the tint maps, normal and spec maps of these riles
  • Eventually I'd like to tidy up the downloads/change DL method (Packing multiples together to avoid clutter) - for now, it should be okay, I hope!