Mass Effect Andromeda
Jade 21 Inheritor

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"The sound instinct has no need of reason, but provides it."
[« Le bon instinct n'a pas besoin de la raison, mais il la donne. »]
Vauvenargues, Maxims and Reflections, #128, 1747.

Night Club — Show It 2 Me

"The orator Demades was trying to address his Athenian audience. When he failed to get their attention, he asked
if he might tell them an Aesop’s fable. The audience agreed, so Demades began his story. "The goddess Demeter,
a swallow, and an eel were walking together down the road. When they reached a river, the swallow flew up in the
air and the eel jumped into the water." Demades then fell silent. The audience asked, "And what about the goddess
Demeter?" "As for Demeter," Demades replied, "she is angry at all of you for preferring Aesop’s fables to politics!"
So it is that foolish people disregard important business in favour of frivolities."
Aesop's Fables, Demades and the Athenians, Gibbs 1; Chambry 96; Perry 63.


"The remiss master makes lazy servants." [Mitis praelatus facit ignavos famulatus.]
Thomas Wright, Political Songs from John to Edward II, Reign of Edward I, 1298, line 56, p. 165 [Vox in Rama].

Ben: [Comm] I'm alive! Holy hell, we'll do this yet! [Laughs]

"It grants they're often slack, it sides with sense and me, and God is with it."
[Ignave multa fatetur, et sapit et mecum facit et Jove judicat aequo.]
Horace, Epistles, Book II, Epistle 1, line 70.

Vetra: Heh! You tell 'em, Ben.

Jade offered admiration & Scott appertained lust for Captain Dunn; Avitus Rix makes their sharing go both ways.

Emi Evans [NieR] — City of Commerce

"We never see large and beautiful and well-tasted Fruits proceeding from a Tree which is incompass'd round,
and choak'd with Thorns and Bryars. Marriage draws a world of business on our hands, subjects us to Law-suits,
and loads us with multitudes of domestick Cares, which are as so many Thorns that encompass a Painter, and
hinder him from producing his works in that perfection of which otherwise he is capable."
Du Fresnoy, De Arte graphica, #478 The liberty which belongs to the Bachelors Estate, trans. John Dryden, 1668.

"Only mankind Can do the impossible: He can distinguish, He chooses and judges, He can give permanence To the moment."
[Nur allein der Mensch Vermag das Unmögliche: Er unterscheidet, Wählet und richtet; Er kann dem Augenblick Dauer verleihen.]
J. W. Goethe, On the Divine (Das Göttliche), 1783 [Let him be a model For those beings whom he surmises.]

"Men err in their production; there is no deficiency of demand.... We are guilty of some such folly now, and I can scarcely
account for the length of time that this delusion continues. After all, the mischief may not be so great as it appears."
David Ricardo, Letters to T. R. Malthus, Letter LXXIII. Gatcomb Park, 9 Oct., 1820 [The iron law of wages.]

Jade gains immortality by translation of SAM into Meridian & of angaran root of the Archon into sleeping Alec Ryder.