Mass Effect Andromeda
Jade 19 Monopsony

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"Folly is the buckler of shame as importunity is of poverty."
Leonardo da Vinci, The notebooks, 1500 [Vows come in when hope dies.]

Wolf's rain unreleased soundtrack

When Gil to obey the Archon cut communications, SAM used quantum entanglement.

"Lady Answerall:— 'tis well if one can get any thing these hard times.
Miss Notable:— Choak, Chicken; there's more a hatching."
Jonathan Swift, Polite conversation, Dialogue 1 [Race to the bottom.]
Benny Benassi — Satisfaction

"He [count Orlando] could swim like a beaver and he jumped in to come out on the other bank."
[E perché sa nuotar come una lontra entra nel fiume, e surge all'altra riva.]
Ludovico Ariosto, Orlando Furioso, Canto 30, #5.

Avitus Rix failing at Remnant, went to Gil; Vederia failed, took Lexi; Jade keeps Raeka.

Taylor Davis [Zelda OoT] — Song of Time and Song of Storms

"So urgent is it," answered Sancho, "that if they were for my own person I could not want them more;"
and forthwith, invested with this licence, he effected the mutatio capparum, decking out his ass to the
ninety-nines and leaving him vastly bettered."
[—Tan extrema es —respondió Sancho—, que si fueran para mi misma persona no los hubiera menester más.
Y luego, habilitado con aquella licencia, hizo mutatio caparum, y puso su jumento a las mil lindezas,
dejándole mejorado en tercio y quinto.]
Cervantes, Don Quijote, Part I, Chapter 21 [Majored in a third & a fifth made Jade heir to 46,66% of Heleus.]

Jade inherits Eos, Kadara, a third of Voeld & conquers Meridian: Primus granted cession.

"Conquest, cession and the occupation of territory that was regarded as terra nullius were each ways
of acquiring sovereignty."
Paul Keal, European Conquest and the Right of Indigenous People, Cambridge University Press, 2003, p. 51.

Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag — Fish in the Sea

"Fortunately, however, I still cling to the belief that there are as good fish in the sea—that is, my sea!..."
Henry James, Letter to W. D. Howell, Lamb House, Jan. 8th, 1904.

SAM renewed trust: insertion of the Archon onto Alec Ryder in Cryo, makes Dunn a widow.