Mass Effect Andromeda
Dora 15 Gravy Train

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"And the mixt multitude that was among them fell a lusting."
Numbers 11:4, King James Version.

Hollywood Undead — I Don't Wanna Die

"For this disease is an attractive evil; I could make quite a good comparison. When ice appears out of doors, and boys seize it up 
while it is solid, at first they experience new pleasures. But in the end their pride will not agree to let it go, but their acquisition is
not good for them if it stays in their hands. In the same way an identical desire drives lovers to act and not to act."
Sophocles, The Loves of Achilles, Fragment 149.

"But the queen had long since been suffering from love’s deadly wound, feeding it with her blood and being consumed by its hidden fire."
[At regina gravi iamdudum saucia cura vulnus alit venis et caeco carpitur igni.]
Virgil, Aeneid, Book IV, line 1.

Peebee: Also, the roasting does not actually kill the beetle, it just makes it angry enough to spit. Literally.

"From Africa we will cross over into Spain. There are learned medallists that tell us, the rabbit which you see before her feet, 
may signify either the great multitude of these animals that are found in Spain, or perhaps the several mines that are wrought 
within the bowels of that country, the Latin word Cuniculus signifying either a rabbit or a mine. But these gentlemen do not 
consider, that it is not the word but the figure that appears on the Medal. Cuniculus may stand for a rabbit or a mine, but the 
picture of a rabbit is not the picture of a mine. A pun can be no more engraven than it can be translated. When the word is 
construed into its idea, the double meaning vanishes. The figure therefore before us means a real rabbit, which is there found 
in vast multitudes. Cuniculofa Celtiberia fili, Catal. in Egnatium. The olive branch tells us, it is a country that abounds in olives, 
as it is for this reason that Claudian in his description of Spain, binds an olive branch about her head."
Joseph Addison, Dialogue upon the usefulness of Ancient Medals, 1726.

"Gravi jampridem saucia cura."
Rev. Sydney Smith, motto proposed for a fish-sauce purveyor.

Peebee: A meat that makes its own gravy! It was... amazing.

The geth exert easy control on brutal & slavish krogan & Dora hunted out both warmongers Annea & Elora.
Although geth learned habits of fleshy delight numbers remain insufficient to promote healthy intelligence.

Gravy Train — The New One

"Housman: I don't know what love is.
AEH: Oh, but you do. In the Dark Ages, in Macedonia, in the last guttering light from classical antiquity, a man copied out 
bits from old books for his young son, whose name was Septimius; so we have one sentence from The Loves of Achilles. 
Love, said Sophocles, is like the ice held in the hand by children. A piece of ice held fast in the fist. I wish I could help you, 
but it's not in my gift." 
Tom Stoppard, The Invention of Love, p. 43 [Lay down your life like a bottle of the best to drink.]

"That awful thing, a woman’s memory!" 
Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Chapter 14, 1890.

Peebee (Eos sand in my pants) to Vetra: What? You've driven this thing? Who else—is it everyone else? Ugh, never mind!

One geth handled Krannit: death abandonment caused a leap to Kalinda, Peebee & straight sex zealot Dora.
Human chastity dictates cross-over toward Keri, yet Scott blocks this path, or either of Kadara competitors.