Mass Effect Andromeda
Dora 02 Lock

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"When I have to write a comedy, I lock the precepts with six keys."
[Quando he de escrivir una comedia, Encierro los preceptos con seis llaves.]
Lope de Vega, Arte nuevo de hacer comedias en este tiempo, 1609 [Oyéndola, se pueda saber todo: just listen, to know everything.]

Kailee Morgue — F**k U

"SUICIDE, self-murder; one who dies by his own hand... It seems to have been suggested by the queer words suist, a selfish man, 
and suicism, selfishness, which had been coined at an earlier date, and were used by Whitlock in an essay entitled "The Grand 
Schismatic," or "Suist Anatomical," in his Zootomia, 1654. The word is clumsy enough, and by no means creditable to us, but we 
may rightly claim it."
Walter William Skeat, An Etymological dictionary of the English language,  Oxford Clarendon Press, 1888, p. 609.