Mass Effect Andromeda
Bianca 16 Let the bird of loudest lay

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"Look to the lady."
William Shakespeare, Macbeth, Act II, Scene 3 [Macduff & Banquo].

Led Zeppelin — Stairway To Heaven 
[Acoustic echo backwards: to my little satan, whose path makes sad, a little tool shed to make suffer.]

"When a top-ranking Nazi was dead The stone showed, in letters bright read Simple and clear His completed career: 
'Here lies Dr. Goebbels' it said."
German saying.

"And from this one indictment, learn the ways of a whole people." [Ab uno disce omnes.]
Virgil, The Aeneid, Book II, line 65 [Trojan horse].

"Equal books are what Calvinus and Umber write : the equal book, Creticus, is the bad one."
[Aequales scribit libros Calvinus et Umber : aequalis liber est, Cretice, qui malus est.] 
Martial, Epigrammata, Book VII, Epigram XC.

"For the sake of these mighty and dignified offices and honours you kiss the hands of other men's slaves, 
so as to be the slave of men who are not even free?"
Epictetus, Discourses (Diatribai), Book 4 Of freedom, Chapter 1, #147 [Seneca, Letter 47:13; Macrobius, Saturnalia I, 11:10 ].

The Bullet Club's Theme [Doctor Who] — Last Chance Saloon

"'It is the only flower of the kind in my garden.' He who gave it me said, "Touch also with this a barren heifer; she will be a mother." 
I touched, and without delay she was a mother. Straightway I plucked with my thumb the clinging flower and touched Juno, and she 
conceived when it touched her bosom. And now being with child, she passed to Thrace and the left shores of the Propontis ; her wish 
was granted, and Mars was born. In memory of the birth he owed to me, he said, 'Do thou also have a place in the city of Romulus.'"
Ovid, Fasti, Book V, l. 250 ss. [Flora pretends to helping Juno alone conceive Mars, born 1st day of 1st month of messy Roman year.]

"But thou, shrieking harbinger, Foul precurrer of the fiend, Augur of the fever’s end, To this troop come thou not near."
William Shake-speare, signature in Robert Chester’s Love’s Martyr, 1601 [Bianca especially hates asari journalists.]

"We keep imagining eternity as an idea that cannot be grasped, something vast, vast! But why must it be vast? Instead of all that, 
imagine suddenly that there will be one little room there, something like a village bathhouse, covered with soot, with spiders in 
all the corners, and that's the whole of eternity. I sometimes fancy something of the sort."
Fyodor Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment, Part Four, Chapter 1, trans. R. Pevear & L. Volokhonsky [Svidrigailov].

"But there was no mirror. Nothing but stone. Perhaps there was no time either, in this stone retreat. Perhaps this was the eternity 
that he’d been making so much fuss about, eternity already, of the Svidrigailov variety, only instead of a bath-house in the country 
full of spiders, here it turned out to be a stone monastic cell wherein sat — strange! — who but himself?"
Malcolm Lowry, Under the Volcano, Chapter 10, 1947 [Day of the Dead].

Reaper Sovereign crashed on Citadel, centered onto Shepard & female Reaper exited billion year confinement.
Both fostered their Reaper human child for escape speed from asari relicts promoted by reaper prothean plan.

NEFFEX — Chance

"Look to the lady."
Pericles, Prince of Tyre, Act V, Scene 3: The temple of Diana at Ephesus; Thaisa standing [Cerimon to Pericles].

Drack: Let's see them try to "exchange" with the krogan.

Eos, Kadara & Elaaden are developed for human & krogan at 100% but both enemy headquarters were ignored.

"To see the sun and moon is no mark of clear-sightedness; to hear a thunderclap is no mark of keen hearing."
Sun-Tzu, the Art of Warfare, Chapter 4 Strategic positions.

"Women work well together." [Mulier mulieri magis congruet.]
Terence, Phormio, Act IV, Scene 5 [Chremes] [Silence Dogood, The New-England Courant, No. 5, 28 May 1722.]

"By the eating of such food it is notorious that the Gascons prolonged their lives."
[Vascones, ut fama est, alimentis talibus usi Produxere animas.]
Juvenal, Satires, Satire XV, 93.

"A little lower down is a sanctuary of Hera with an ancient image, the work of Pythodorus of Thebes; in her hand she carries 
Sirens. For the story goes that the daughters of Achelous were persuaded by Hera to compete with the Muses in singing. 
The Muses won, plucked out the Sirens' feathers (so they say) and made crowns for themselves out of them."
Pausanias, Description of Greece (Periegesis), Book IX, Chapter 34 Coroneia, #3.

"Chrysippus and Zeno, the leaders of the Stoic school, certainly thought that there was nothing wrong in using our carcasses 
for whatever purpose we needed, even for food — as our own forebears did when, beleaguered by Caesar in the town of Alesia, 
they decided to relieve the hunger of the besieged with the flesh of old men, women and others who were no use in battle."
Montaigne, Essays, Book I, Chapter 31. On the Cannibals [Bianca dumps Akksul's melancholy on Suvi, track of pirate sources].

"Now I will believe That there are unicorns, that in Arabia There is one tree, the phoenix' throne, one phoenix At this hour reigning there."
William Shakespeare, The Tempest, Act III, Scene 3 [Sebastian].

"How shall I cry out my thanks to thee? with thy love, thy wont, thy words, thy deeds."
[Tibi vero gratias agam, quo clamore? clamore, amore, more, ore, re.]
Athanasius Kircher, Musurgia Universalis, Rome, 1650 [the echo answers shouted question].

Whatever kett Primus resonates on Quarian AI, Bianca repelled Peebee's Hanar deal, for a devolution of teammates.
Their tangling with her real Kadara brother always ends badly. Bianca keeps cretin Scott if she wants stranger mate.

Die Antwoord — Banana Brain

Liam: I need you help with a thing. A big thing.

"I heard an ancient poet observed in some tragedy: Two women are worse than one. A thing really true."
[(Antiquom poetam audivi scripsisse in tragoedia) Mulieres duas pejores esse quam unam. Res ita est.] 
Plautus, Curculio, Act V, Scene 1, line 2.

"Thus the natives of Nias, an island off the coast of Sumatra, say that, when the earth was created, a certain being was sent down 
by God from heaven to put the last touches to the work of creation. He should have fasted for a month, but unable to withstand 
the pangs of hunger he ate some bananas. The choice of food was most unlucky, for had he only eaten river-crabs instead of 
bananas men would have cast their skins like crabs and would never have died.
Thus the natives of Poso, a district of Central Celebes, say that in the beginning the sky was very near the earth, and that the Creator, 
who lived in it, used to let down his good gifts to men at the end of a rope. One day he thus lowered a stone; but our first father and 
mother would have none of it and they called out to their Maker, "What have we to do with this stone? Give us something else." 
The Creator complied and hauled away at the rope; the stone mounted up and up till it vanished from sight. Presently the rope was 
seen coming down from heaven again, and this time there was a banana at the end of it instead of a stone. Our first parents ran at the 
banana and took it. Then there came a voice from heaven, saying: "Because ye have chosen the banana, your life shall be like its life. 
When the banana-tree has offspring, the parent stem dies; so shall ye die and your children shall step into your place. Had ye chosen 
the stone, your life would have been like the life of the stone changeless and immortal." The man and his wife mourned over their fatal 
choice, but it was too late; that is how through the eating of a banana death came into the world."
J. G. Frazer, The belief in immortality and the worship of the dead, Macmillan, 1913, p. 73 [Bianca & sibling catch up to rachni & krogan].

Bianca has already cashed in female essences yet Drack should push in fivefold brother, still hidden by Liam.
She withholds slavery film attendance that could coalesce fusion between the SAM AI & Peebee's Quarian AI.