Mass Effect Andromeda
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"Why not make our heroine the dreamer instead, and vary the monotony?"
Henry Albert Phillips, The Universal Plot Catalog, Chapter 10, Stanhope, 1916, p. 110.

Liam: Great pathfinding, Pathfinder.

"A fool, a fool! I met a fool i' th' forest, A motley fool… And rail'd on Lady Fortune in good terms, In good set terms 
and yet a motley fool. 'Good morrow, fool,' quoth I. 'No, sir,' quoth he, 'Call me not fool till heaven hath sent me fortune:' 
And then he drew a dial from his poke [pocket], And looking on it with lack-lustre eye Says very wisely 'It is ten o’clock.'"
William Shakespeare, As You Like It, Act II, Scene 7, lines 12-23, 1599 [Jaques]. 

"You have cause to love me; I enter'd you into my heart Before you would vouchsafe to call for the keys."
John Webster, The Duchess of Malfi, Act III, scene 2, 1612 [the Duchess to Antonio her stewart].

"Admiration, n. Our polite recognition of another’s resemblance to ourselves."
Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary.

Christian Reindl feat. Atrel — Claim Your Weapons

Nora Tallis: [Comm] I need help. I'm in the sinkhole. It's the one with—I'm sure you'll figure it out.

"Come now, do it, and I will give you one of the younger Graces for you to marry, and she shall be called your lady;
Pasithea, since all your days you have loved her forever."
Homer, The Iliad, Book XIV, line 268, trans. Richmond Lattimore [Hera bribes Sleep to take down Zeus & renew the war].

"So Homer changed the name of one, called her Pasiphaë and engaged her to be married—so you can tell that these are not Vestal Virgins!
[Itaque Homerus uni mutavit, Pasithean appellavit et in matrimonium promisit, ut scias non esse illas virgines Vestales.]
Seneca, De Beneficiis (On Benefits), Book I, Chapter 3, #7, trans. Griffin & Inwood.

"Edward [the first malcontented]: But how shall I have the maid?
Raph Simnell [the king's fool]: Marry, sirrah, if thou beest a silken purse full of gold, then on Sundays she'll hang thee by her side, 
and you must not say a word. Now, sir, when she comes into a great prease of people, for feare of the cut-purse on a sudden she'll 
swap thee into her plackerd [placket]; then, sirrah, being there, you may plead for yourself."
Robert Greene, Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay, 1589 [then being turned from a smoke to a man, you may make up the match].

"Placket. A woman’s pocket. Still used in this sense, according to Forby, II. 255. It was metaphorically applied to the female pudendum."
James Orchard Halliwell, Dictionary Of Archaic And Probincial Words Vol.2, 1847, p. 629.

Theirs ought to remain a secret marriage. However, as at Meridian, Bianca expects that Drack shall intervene to save the day.

Lawless — Sun Up

"Wink at ignorance."
Ecclesiaticus, 28:7, King James Version [Leviticus 4:22].

"I consider it to be true that Fortune is the arbiter of one half of our actions, but that she still leaves the control of the other half, 
or almost that, to us.... I certainly believe this: that it is better to be impetuous than cautious, because Fortune is a woman, 
and if you want to keep her under it is necessary to beat her and force her down. It is clear that she more often allows herself 
to be won over by impetuous men than by those who proceed coldly."
Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince, Chapter XXV. Of Fortune’s power in human affairs and how she can be resisted, 1532.

"Envy itself is dumb, in wonder lost, And factions strive who shall applaud them most."
Joseph Addison, The Campaign, 1705 [her ornaments in peace, her strength in war.]

Drack: Yeah, yeah. Just—old man moment. I got a good one. Don't rush me.

"And so human beings never cease to labor vainly and fruitlessly, consuming their lives in groundless cares, evidently because 
they have not learned the proper limit to possession, and the extent to which real pleasure can increase. And it is this ignorance 
that has gradually carried life out into the deep sea and has stirred up from the depths the mighty boiling billows of war.
It was the watchmen of the sky, the sun and moon, who, as they traveled with their light all round the vast revolving vault, 
taught people that the seasons of the year roll around, and that everything happens by a fixed law and in a fixed order."
[Ergo hominum genus in cassum frustraque laborat semper et [in] curis consumit inanibus aevom, ni mirum quia non cognovit 
quae sit habendi finis et omnino quoad crescat vera voluptas; idque minutatim vitam provexit in altum et belli magnos commovit 
funditus aestus. At vigiles mundi magnum versatile templum sol et luna suo lustrantes lumine circum perdocuere homines annorum 
tempora verti et certa ratione geri rem atque ordine certo.]
Lucretius, On the Nature of Things (De natura rerum), Book V, lines 1430-1440, trans. Martin Ferguson Smith.

"Which short-armed ignorance itself knows is so abundant scarce, it [wit] will not in circumvention deliver a fly from a spider, 
without drawing their massy irons and cutting the web. After this, the vengeance on the whole camp! or rather, the bone-ache! 
for that, methinks, is the curse dependent on those that war for a placket. I have said my prayers and devil Envy say Amen."
William Shakespeare, Troilus and Cressida, Act II, Scene 3 [Thersites].

"The individual dies; but the sun itself burns without intermission, an eternal noon."
Arthur Schopenhauer, The World as Will and Representation, Volume I, Book IV. The World as Will, Chapter LIV.

"We shall therefore assume that man inherits his moral nature, his character, his inclinations, his heart, from the father, 
but the degree, quality, and tendency of his intelligence from the mother."
Arthur Schopenhauer, The World as Will and Representation, Volume II, Chapter XLIII The Hereditary Nature of Qualities.

"But I'd never be so stupid as to lie to a man who wears both belt and suspenders."
Ace in the Hole, film (1951), Director: Billy Wilder [Charles Tatum].

"She's her father's daughter!" Jack said.... "And her mother's too."
George R.R. Martin, Ace In The Hole, Chapter '12:00 NOON', Book 6 of Wildcards, 1990.

Bianca loosened salarian & turian male pathfinders & to serve herself up as a bait, entrusts the planning to her stewart Liam.