Mass Effect Andromeda
Bianca 09 Evermore crossed and crossed nothing but crossed

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"Or else such stuff as madmen Tongue and brain not; either both or nothing."
William Shakespeare, Cymbeline, Act V, Scene 4 [Posthumus Leonatus].

Tommee Profitt feat. Jung Youth & Fleurie (Linkin Park) —  In The End

"King Vikar set out from Agder and sailed north to Hordaland with a large army. Then he ran into unfavourable winds 
and had to lie at anchor off a certain group of small islands. They tried by means of divination to find out when the wind 
would be favourable and were told that Odin expected a human sacrifice from the army, the victim to be chosen by lot. 
So they drew lots throughout the army and every time, King Vikar’s lot came up. They were all very shaken by this...
In the morning the king’s councillors held a meeting to discuss their plans. They agreed that they would have to hold a 
mock sacrifice... The reed stalk turned into a spear which went straight through the king, the tree stump slipped from 
under his feet, the calf guts turned into a strong withy, the branch shot up with the king into the foliage and there he died."
Gautrek's Saga.

Lexi manages linked transfer from asari AI because Bianca had sealed quarian AI alliance through Kalinda.

Pat Razket — Pirate's Lullaby

"A maid, and stuffed! There’s goodly catching of cold [mishaps, pregnancy]."
William Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing, Act III, Scene 4 [Margaret to Beatrice].

"Dictited to of all his little brothron and sweestureens the first riddle of the universe: asking, when is a man not a man?"
James Joyce, Finnegans Wake, Chapter 1.7 [when he is a — yours till the rending of the rocks.]

Madness seized the Archon. Suvi placed kett control on Cora & turian AI extracted from Scott pushes back.

Tommee Profitt feat. Mike Mains — Let Me Be Your Hero

"Christopher Sly: Marry, I will; let them play it. Is not a comonty a Christmas gambold or a tumbling-trick? 
Bartholomew: No, my good lord, it is more pleasing stuff. —What, household stuff? —It is a kind of history."
William Shakespeare, The Taming of the Shrew, Prologue 2, 284 [He is no less than a stuffed man (cuckold).]

"Then Luke said something about the exit being just opposite the Grand Staircase and that they’d better hurry up 
and that’s when I sprinted off just as Mr. Nixon was, as usual, examining carefully all his options by asking: 
"Is there an extradition treaty..."
Gore Vidal, Myra Breckinridge / Myron, Penguin, 1997, p. 310.

Complications ensue a routine victory: all will be well, if Scott would think that only he fathered Bianca's child.

Rik Schaffer — All That Could Ever Be

"Then Isis assembled the pieces of her deceased husband, anointed his body with precious oils, 
and fashioned an artificial phallus for him." 
Pat Remler, Egyptian Mythology, A to Z, p. 98 [son Horus took up the fight against murderer].

"A son honoreth his father, and a servant his master. If then I be a father, where is my honor?"
Malachi 1:6, 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV) [Babylonian Talmud: Tractate Sanhedrin, Folio 96a.] 

Cora & Drack are by far best companions to cleanly detach Bianca from Scott & assure sort of krogan progeny.