Mass Effect Andromeda
Rose 22 A private note

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"Small is the worth Of beauty from the light retired; Bid her come forth, Suffer herself to be desired, And not blush so to be admired."
Edmund Waller, Go, lovely rose!, 1645.

Bonnie McKee — I Want It All

Rose: What am I going to do with you, Peebee?

"It is said, on good authority, that a Captain once ventured to dine at five, when the Commodore’s hour was four. 
Next day, as the story goes, that Captain received a private note; and in consequence of that note, dined for the 
future at half past three."
Herman Melville, White-jacket : Or, The World in a Man-of-war, Chapter 7, 1850 [Rose adds three & a half for sex.]

Peebee is lone fertile asari of Andromeda Galaxy, since the kett alliance sealed by Matriarch Ishara did badly misfire.
Lexi foresaw Macen Barro AI & turian AI love bonding with Rose! Keri T'Vessa obeyed elders, to commit Rose to kett.

Fall Out Boy (Save Rock And Roll) — Where Did the Party Go?

Peebee: I'll send you a list.

"Yet it is said that a few days later he [Alcindor with sham Fanfreluche] received the following note from Eliante :
"My dear Duke, — I thought you had deliberately deceived me, but I have since learned that you were yourself 
deceived by Giroflee and Similor. The dog you gave me is quite clever and only needs training to eclipse Fanfreluche. 
You dance divinely; will you not teach it ? Good-bye. Alcindor."
A couple of months later, Pistache, the lap-dog, younger, more active, and more graceful, completely outshone 
Fanfreluche, the other lap-dog."
Theophile Gautier, The Marchioness's Lap-Dog, 1836.

[« Cependant on prétend que quelques jours après il a reçu d’Éliante un petit billet ainsi conçu :
« Mon cher duc, j’ai cru que vous aviez voulu me tromper sciemment ; j’ai su depuis que vous aviez été vous-même 
la dupe de Similor et de Giroflée. Le bichon que vous m’avez donné ne manque pas de dispositions et ne demande 
qu’à être cultivé pour éclipser Fanfreluche ; vous dansez comme un ange, voulez-vous être son maître à danser ? 
Adieu, Alcindor. »
Deux mois après, le bichon Pistache, plus jeune, plus souple et plus gracieux, avait complétement effacé la gloire 
du bichon Fanfreluche. »]
Théophile Gautier, Le petit Chien de la Marquise, 1836.

Ruby Rose feat. Gary Go — Guilty Pleasure

Lexi [laughing]: You jerk!

"Those that tease each other, love each other."
German proverb

Rose asks Kallo to loan Zevin Raeka AI fragment for romantic courtship of Lexi [Pistache]; Peebee withholds butt. 
Macen Barro AI fragment sought happy host; Keri wished Primus with the fragment & Rose leashed to the Archon.