Mass Effect Andromeda
Rose 11 A needy train

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"So much for running after powerful friends! But may the gods and goddesses 
bring many curses upon you, you're blot on the names of Romulus and Remus."
[Sed, quantum video, pari fuistis casu: nam nihilo minore verpa farti estis. Pete nobiles amicos!
At vobis mala multa di deaeque dent, opprobria Romuli Remique.]
Catullus, Carmina XXVIII [Cohors inanis].

Umi Henon to Reyes Vidal: That'll cost you more than a round of drinks.

Baggage handy & ready to scram Reyes Vidal hoped to clintonize Rose.
Akksul recently has entitled her as "outsider" & a stranger not anymore.

"The ring finger is their daughter, a supple Zerbine, who serves foamy lace droughts to ladies but sells not her smiles to the cavalry. 
[Le doigt de l'anneau est leur fille, leste et agaçante Zerbine qui vend des dentelles aux dames et ne vend pas ses sourires aux cavaliers.]  
Aloysius Bertand, The five fingers of the hand, in Gaspard de la Nuit (Rat About Town or Fly-by-Night). 

Fitz and the Tantrums — Handclap 

"The resemblance between the two pets was perfect: bandy legs, tip-tilted nose, spots over the eyes, tail sticking up; 
two drops of water, two eggs could not be more alike. Happily Alcindor did not think of making Fanfreluche’s double 
perform a minuet."
Theophile Gautier, Le petit Chien de la Marquise (The Marchioness's Lap-Dog), 1836.

Although companions dig ditches to affrighten the five races from quarian ark, Rose works to close this gap.
Sloane Kelly did best by a creeping codification of lex mercatoria & krogan mercenaries in badlands territory.