Mass Effect Andromeda
Zaz 15 Turian flexing

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"Make no mistake, it is not mere slip-tease that I shall offer you but art! Art with a big a, be clued in!"
[Ne vous y trompez pas, ce n'est pas du simple slip-tize que je vous présenterai, mais de l'art! De l'art avec un grand a, faites bien gaffe!]
Raymond Queneau, Zazie in the metro (Zazie dans le métro), Chapter XIV.

Ryder [to Peebee's bottle]: Heh. Another time.

Ke$ha — Sleazy

"Indeed, adds a third, what ought we to see?
—Tweetosee ? asked a fourth, tweetosee ? tweetosee ? tweetosee ?"
[— En effet, ajoute un troisième, que devons-nous voir? 
— Kouavouar? demanda un quatrième, kouavouar? kouavouar? kouavouar?] 
Raymond Queneau, Zazie in the metro (Zazie dans le métro), Chapter VIII.

"Human beings alone are thus gifted. Human beings had become necessary."
Virginia Woolf, Orlando, Chapter VI.

Zaz digged up Reyes Vidal's staggering need for motherly approval.
Collective angara AI reached out to ZAZ through her kissing Reyes.
Turian SAM quantum entangles to Tempest, sole pathfinder vessel.
Quarian SAM cares for five species engaging a tug of war for Scott.

Peebee: Speaking of, time for another round.

Little Mix [Claire Redfield] — Wings

"When over them, radiant, A stooping star, Bends their Good-Night,
Kissed and smiled: —Each was mother, Each was child."
Aldous Huxley, A Little Memory.

"The female of the species must be deadlier than the male.
She who faces Death by torture for each life beneath her breast 
May not deal in doubt or pity."
Rudyard Kipling, The Female of the Species.