Mass Effect Andromeda

I'll give you an example of how to find out which value on profiles corresponds to which value on profilestats. We'll say we're changing
Adept rank 1's base biotic damage.
-First open game/exceldataimports/profilestats. Image:
-Next open a second window from
game/progression/singleplayer/profiles/adept/profile_adept_01. Image:
-Look at profile_adept_01. Expand "Stats" > Expand "0" > Expand both "StatLookup" and "StatValue".
-As we can see from the image above, the stat being modified is the base damage of all biotic
powers, which corresponds to WeaponValue "6" (the value for rank 1 of
Adept) and number 11 under that value (the value to which you wish to
modify the base damage of all biotic powers).
-Back in profilestats, we can see that under value 11 of number 6, the modifier is set to 1
(this is a percent! meaning 1=+100%). Image:
-Change this value to your liking. For example, if we changed it to .75, it would go from being
+100% base biotic damage to being +75% base biotic damage (for Adept
rank 1 only).
-Repeat this task for all values for all the profiles and profile ranks you wish to modify.

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  1. MesmerMonk
    • BANNED
    • 8 kudos
    I'll give you an example of how to find out which value on profiles corresponds to which value on profilestats. We'll say we're changing
    Adept rank 1's base biotic damage.
    -First open game/exceldataimports/profilestats. Image:
    -Next open a second window from
    game/progression/singleplayer/profiles/adept/profile_adept_01. Image:
    -Look at profile_adept_01. Expand "Stats" > Expand "0" > Expand both "StatLookup" and "StatValue".
    -As we can see from the image above, the stat being modified is the base damage of all biotic
    powers, which corresponds to WeaponValue "6" (the value for rank 1 of
    Adept) and number 11 under that value (the value to which you wish to
    modify the base damage of all biotic powers).
    -Back in profilestats, we can see that under value 11 of number 6, the modifier is set to 1
    (this is a percent! meaning 1=+100%). Image:
    -Change this value to your liking. For example, if we changed it to .75, it would go from being
    +100% base biotic damage to being +75% base biotic damage (for Adept
    rank 1 only).
    -Repeat this task for all values for all the profiles and profile ranks you wish to modify.