Mass Effect 3

New Staff Member

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Yesterday Dark0ne asked me if I wanted to help with the site news. And... Yeah. I did. So here I am. So for those who don't know me... I'm a 'forum regular', quest modder and now staff member. I play Oblivion and played Morrowind. I'm waiting for Spore and will probably buy Supreme Commander too. These two games also have their own Source site here.

What you can expect from me:

  • Posts of new interviews/reviews/news on the Elder Scrolls games.
  • News on big or special mods that are either WIP's (Work In Progress) or released already. This includes Morrowind mods.
  • News on all kinds of Elder Scrolls sites.

I will probably focus on the mod news, but if I stumble upon something interesting, I'll post it here too.