Mass Effect
Lufu 01 Shake

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"Sol through white curtains shot a timorous ray, And oped those eyes that must eclipse the day."
Alexander Pope, The Rape of the Lock, Canto I, lines 13-14 [Now lapdogs give themselves the rousing shake.]

Zombies — Time Of The Season

"It is those farther away who must pay for your love of the neighbor; and even when you are together five at a time, 
there is always a sixth one who must die."
[Die Ferneren sind es, welche eure Liebe zum Nächsten bezahlen; und schon wenn ihr zu fünfen miteinander seid, 
muß immer ein sechster sterben.]
Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, First Part, Chapter 16 Neighbor-love, 1883 [Know how to be a sponge.]