The Lord of the Rings Online

Vote on the Wabbajack!

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Head over to GAMEOLOGICAL to vote on the best treasure in a video game ever!

Of course, there is no question, the Wabbajack is THE treasure!

To quote Steve Heisler,
The Tanooki Suit offers two possibilities: flight and stone-cold stillness. The Wabbajack offers infinite possibilities. I think you’ll make the right choice.

We can't let Mario take this one home, can we?


  1. TohouAsura
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    But Wabbajack options aren't infinite... It's either Chicken morph, Daedra morph, or some elemental damage.
  2. wolferz
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    In Morrowind and Oblivion when you looked at a magic item it would actually show the effect details based on what effects were being used in the game engine.

    A staff of fireballs for example would say something like "Does fire damage for 30 in a 10' radius on target."

    Wabbajack, however, has always used a scripted effect. This meant that when you ask yourself, "what does wabbajack do?" and you look it up in your inventory the answers is simply "Does Wabbajack."

    A singularly odd description for a singularly odd weapon. Wabbajack does Wabbajack!

    Off to vote now...

    EDIT: omg... lol... from today's vote: "Most saw it as a joke—a stick with the power to do…what exactly?"
  3. lorddragoblade
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    • 2 kudos
    no vote on anytng BUTT the wabbajack
  4. codysmit
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    I LOVE the Wabbajack giant= sweet roll or GOLD!!!!
  5. Beerbeer007
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    • 1 kudos
    " [...] and then his servant happily gave me something he called the Wabbajack. Wabbajack. Wabbajack. Wabbajack.

    Wabbajack. Wabbajack. Wabbajack.

    Wabbajack. Wabbajack. Wabbajack."

    That was the most funny and perturbing book i ever read in skyrim...
  6. Renegadeof79
    • BANNED
    • 7 kudos
    "Now you. You can call me Alecia Moore judging by the color of the jacket. But only if you're partial to being sued alive and having an angry PETA guy skip rope with your entrails."
    Obviously the best treasure in THIS video game is troll fat :-P ! Currently playing Two Worlds II ($15), imo looks much more grassy and less edgy than Skyrim... if you've disabled bloom, motion blur and DOF of course. And it has only 2 bugs
  7. midnightshadow84
    • BANNED
    • 0 kudos
    do you really know someone at Bethesda? if so then i have been very miss informed. and for the way i jumped to conclusions i am sorry. i would like to see them fix the bugs they have in their titles though, and stop being so secretive about hearthfire and other dlc. i would like to know for sure that hearthfire is comming out for pc. it hurts how Bethesda has been favoring xbox360 every since fallout 3 and oblivion came out. they need to treat the other systems with more respect. hopefully my appoligy will be accepted here, i just want the true facts. the thought of Bethesda turning to xbox360 only and their fanboys supporting this type of move against the pc and ps3 community, is a verry bad thing, and they are making most of us gamers and long time fans and customers turn away from them by making us think they hate us and just want to steal our money. i hope in the future they will decide to be more honest and open with the pc and ps3 communitys instead of putting us on the backburner as non important people. can you atleast understand this is why i jumped to conclusions. can you also please tell youre freinds at bethesda how they are making lots of us feel.and again i am sorry.
  8. martinnehuen
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    • 5 kudos
    @Camonna Tong: i dont know why you discuss soo much with this guys he is clearly trolling or doesnt even know of what he is talking about so its useless to try making him see reason.
  9. Camonna Tong
    Camonna Tong
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    • 24 kudos
    I have no idea who you are getting that false info from. They never added a third Xbox timed-exclusive, and still haven't canceled Dawnguard for the PS3. Believe me, knowing people that work at Bethesda does have advantages, while I can't know everything, I do know that the third dlc is a non-timed-exclusive, and the target date is by the end of this year. I don't know what it is called though, but once Zenimax copyrights something TES related we should know.

    There was a lot of us PC players that doubted if the CK will ever come out, and some thought they secretly canceled it. Did they? No. Making a certain console mad, isn't what Bethesda is trying to do at all. They would get less sales that way for future games.Too many jumping to conclusions. Skyrim has already pushed consoles to their limits, and he more they add the more chance of something horrible happening. I used to player Oblivion on the 360, never noticed any stuttering or anything, after playing on the PC, I noticed that the stuttering was bad, DA:O was laggy as well, but never was so on the PC.

  10. midnightshadow84
    • BANNED
    • 0 kudos
    too the fanboys, im stating what others are saying, also they already added a third xbox exclusive dlc agreement, and they have secretly canceled dawn guard for ps3 because Bethesda don't have the skill to make the dlc run on ps3 or they just hate sony secretly. they have lost most of the ps3 fanbase already over dawnguard. plus ive used the creation kit and its a nightmare to do scripting on, its a dumed down version of the construction set. skyrim has cartoonish graphics by default until modded extreamly heavily. the only thing keeping non fanboys from never buying this game is modding capability. ive seen more returns in stores on skyrim than any other title. i just want the game fixed, there are bugs that Bethesda could fix on pc but they refuse to fix them. 60 bucks for a beta game was a verry bad move. then the third dlc exclusive bribe deal proves they prefer xbox360 now over other platforms. leaving ps3 and pc on their back burner is very wrong of them. you should allow people to say thire own opinion, this staement is not wrong, everyone should have a right to post something as long is it is not a cursing statement, without having the little red fanboy rep button used wrongley aginst them. im just stating the facts about bethesda, i use to love thire games, but now ill never buy another bethesda title by preorder ever again.