Knights of the Old Republic II

Tag filters in categories

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I have modified the individual category pages to add a search bar and an optional tag filtering system for the specific category you're browsing.

Many people often ask us why we don't add more refined categories to the site as they are struggling to find specifics (like armour for males in the armour category, or building mods with quests, etc.) and the answer is generally that we don't want hundreds of categories and sub-categories cluttering the site. Using the tagging system you can really drill-down and refine your search to the specifics that you are looking for within categories.

I'm hoping users will find this system helpful. The system is newly made and only tested by me so the changes have only been applied to TESNexus right now. I'll be porting this over to the other sites after a bit of feedback from the users here on TESNexus, so feel free to provide constructive feedback on this update.


  1. deleted1755777
    • account closed
    • 9 kudos
    Help! i cannot acess Fallout NV Nexus. every time i tried connect Nev Vegas, connection failed.there is no image for NV like T(TES Nexus)or D(Dragon Age), but instead link,when clik to link connection always failed. i realy need mods for New Vegas.
  2. davidgduvall
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Nice, that rocks and is a huge improvement.
  3. Praetor26
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I will use my 13th post to express my satisfaction for this new feature. x(
  4. Kuzma
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Well, thank you very much indeed.
  5. Kasdar
    • premium
    • 11 kudos
    We need a tag for stores/shops since no-one ever puts store/shop in the title of their mods
  6. Satanabusjones
    • supporter
    • 157 kudos
    hooray...all the tagging I've been doing isn't for naught...
  7. Death102
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    It does alot better on searches now, Just remember that too much could be a pain in the ... well you know.
  8. BlackRampage
    • premium
    • 142 kudos
    Just noticed the change. I'd say this is a real improvement over the old search function.

    I suppose the file tags can finally be utilized to their full advantage now. Hopefully it should also let more people consider tagging files more carefully.

    All in all, considering the fact I use the search function nearly every day, this will certainly save not only myself, but also many others, valuable time.
  9. falloutgod14
    • premium
    • 10 kudos
  10. MedusaNoBoku
    • BANNED
    • 0 kudos