Knights of the Old Republic II

Nexus hiring

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The hiring process is now closed for the time being. The response to the position has been great and I look forward to working with the people that have been invited in to the role and hopefully, in the near future, showcasing their work to you all :)

The Nexus has begun to reach that stage now where one person alone can't do the sites justice. I have some great plans for the future of the network as well as hopes for some more games to add to the Nexus catalogue of sites in the future but in the mean time there is something I've always wanted help with but have never been in a position to ask.

News. We all like to be updated on what's happening across the community and there's no reason why the Nexus can't be abreast of the happenings going on in the Elder Scrolls, Fallout and Dragon Age modding and gaming communities. I have opened up a new Jobs at Nexus section on the sites where I will be listing positions for volunteer work over the coming months. At the moment I'm currently looking for some budding news writers/reporters to help bolster up the news content on the sites.

While unpaid this position would be great for someone looking for a future in video game journalism or for anyone who wants to practise and hone their article writing abilities.

Head on over to the news writers job description page for more information.


Comments locked

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  1. TheCalliton
    • member
    • 41 kudos

    I would really like a position as a moderator, I think it would be fun, and im on this site every day! I know im not suppose to ask but I REALLY want a job. I would make sure everything is in order and treat everyone fairly.

    Thanks, Min1ons.

    no way! me too! TWINS! not the baseball team


    lol, Dark0ne you are funny
  2. sirchet
    • premium
    • 10 kudos
    First pop-up I see and I'll be ending my premium membership.

    Congrats to the writers.
  3. ecksile
    • member
    • 33 kudos
    Modder-Writer?!?! You see that? You see what I did there? I combined moderator and writer into the ever so clever Modder-Writer! <img class="> <3
  4. shotgun188
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    Congrats to everyone that got picked to become a writer or moderator.I wish I was good at either.I applied to be a writer but since my writing skills are sub par I knew I would never have got picked.
  5. Dark0ne
    • Site Owner
    • 2,927 kudos
  6. Min1ons
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    I would really like a position as a moderator, I think it would be fun, and im on this site every day! I know im not suppose to ask but I REALLY want a job. I would make sure everything is in order and treat everyone fairly.

    Thanks, Min1ons.
  7. killzone12
    • premium
    • 7 kudos
    ah just wondering yeah this place should be clean still this site rocks
  8. Pushkatu
    • premium
    • 455 kudos

    what other job types will come about will they be paid or non paid or both??

    There won't be any paid jobs my friend, unless the administrator says otherwise. These people have offered their help in order to keep this place nice and clean. You might name it a volunteer job.
  9. killzone12
    • premium
    • 7 kudos
    what other job types will come about will they be paid or non paid or both??
  10. ecksile
    • member
    • 33 kudos
    Next thing you kno wer gonna start having studios start popping up..