Knights of the Old Republic II

Creation kit release confirmed for Skyrim

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Some of you might have thought that this was a given while others, like myself, wanted to wait for official confirmation from Bethesda before we got all excited and had to change our underwear.

Today Bethesda have announced via their blog that there will indeed be an SDK for Skyrim.

Here's the blurb:

Bethesda has a long history of supporting the modding community, and for good reason. It’s a science fact that mod tools make the world a better place: they make modders happy because they can mod, they make developers happy to see modders gaining experience, and they make fans happy to see an endless stream of content they can mess around with. So today we were pretty happy to finally confirm our plans to continue that support with Skyrim.

As Game Informer confirmed on Monday, Skyrim’s new engine has been dubbed the “Creation Engine.” Accompanying that engine will be the Creation Kit, our suite of level-building tools that we’ll be releasing to the community, much like the Elder Scrolls Construction Set for Morrowind and Oblivion.

The Kit was recently mentioned in the Game Informer article on the tech behind Skyrim. While we have nothing further to announce regarding the Kit at this time, give that article a read for more details on just how powerful these tools will be.

This is excellent news and I, personally, am grateful Bethesda have quickly nipped any doubts in the bud and just come out and said it. Some of you will remember how they handled the G.E.C.K. for Fallout 3 where they didn't announce their intentions until after the games release. It left many of us in limbo. It's great to see Bethesda be progressive in this matter, listen to their fans, and continue to support their awesome modding community.

No doubt more details about the tools and a possible release time frame for the Creation Kit will be announced closer to the release of the game. Lets be patient now, happy in the knowledge that all is well in the land.


  1. ub3rman123
    • premium
    • 204 kudos
    Have they added any news of the CK's inner workings, or similarity to the old CS? You can see a very brief glimpse of it during Todd's BethSoft walkabout, but it's just one side of the screen, with a render window of some caves.
  2. Dark0ne
    • Site Owner
    • 2,925 kudos
    Nope, just don't contact him/them on behalf of the Nexus. Thank you.
  3. Camonna Tong
    Camonna Tong
    • premium
    • 24 kudos
    I can tell him nevermind if you want. By the way sorry, thought I was looking out for the community. But it's cool you are the Webmaster so I'll respect your wishes.
    LHammonds must have said something else, as it was a month or so ago I think in late December. It was in the forums of a person who had his wish granted for Make-A-Wish or Give Kids the World that I remember it in, I guess for once my good memory failed me. Again, sorry, I had a feeling it was a bad idea to ask gstaff about it after I messaged him, no offense, probably because I was going off memory.
  4. Dark0ne
    • Site Owner
    • 2,925 kudos
    Ok, no offense, but I'd rather people didn't contact Bethesda on our behalf. You've basically put words in our mouths. If I want to speak to Bethesda I will do it.

    Thanks anyway.
  5. Camonna Tong
    Camonna Tong
    • premium
    • 24 kudos
    This is what I said

    Hello gstaff some administrators on tesnexus are wondering for Skyrim if you could do something for the Nexus. We would greatly appreciate if Skyrim could have a built in Nexus support or something. I'm not asking for detalls for Skyrim just a modding link to the nexus for Skyrim or something better if you could consider it thanks.

    I do remember LHammonds asked something for this, I do not want to directly quote him though as I have too much respect for the staff. The reason I quoted Gstaff was because it was a question about Skyrim support for tesnexus. If you have a question I can ask him though.
  6. Dark0ne
    • Site Owner
    • 2,925 kudos
    What message did you send?
  7. Camonna Tong
    Camonna Tong
    • premium
    • 24 kudos
    I sent a message to gstaff about nexus support this is what he had to say.


    Sr. Community Manager

    'Highly unlikely we'd do any sort of linking within the game.

    Putting a link on the new website, however, is definitely something we'll consider.

    Thanks for the note"

    I also put this on for the note.
  8. deleted1932859
    • account closed
    • 145 kudos
    TES5 and ME3 being released at the same time, o hell i'll never get a life now...

    A new creation kit for the new TES5 game engine is going to be exciting to say the very least.
  9. Lancearrow14
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    I knew they wouldn't dare leave the SDK out of the recipe, now to wait 9 months for the release...
  10. unonymouz
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Yay! I'm looking forward to the day when skyrim releases! I'm so happy about it. Looking at the screenshots reminded me of the excitement I had when half-life 2 was first released!