Knights of the Old Republic II

New NMM version and site fixes

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We’ve officially designated this week “fix the sites and make them work properly week” among the Nexus developers. We’ve not been happy with the status of either NMM or the Nexus recently, and we know you haven't been either, but thankfully you guys are pretty understanding, which means we've been able to get on with fixing it without worrying about a full-blown riot.

The first step in fixing the problem (past knowing there’s a problem) is finding out what the problem is. We think we can safely point our fingers at NMM for most of the performance issues at this point. Turns out we’ve made a pretty good home-brew tool to DDoS our own servers. Go us. Over the past year more and more people have been downloading and using NMM. We’re at over 1.2 million unique users at the moment, which means we’re getting about 100,000 new NMM users each month. To begin with this wasn’t a big issue, but now it kind of is, and we’ve been so busy trying to fix bugs and implement new functionality that the fact NMM is affecting the performance of the servers has kind of slipped by. Not our proudest moment. But this is exactly why NMM is still considered a Beta program. We know it’s not ready to be considered a “stable” release and until it is, it won’t get my seal of approval and we won’t bring it out of beta.

Having NMM in Beta, and you remembering that it’s a Beta program is still very important. I understand that lots of you now rely on NMM as your mod manager and if it doesn’t work then your gaming gets affected, so when we make changes we try to prevent disrupting things as much as possible. However, many of you are treating it like it’s a stable release and you’ll roll-back to older versions if it’s not working rather than actually helping us debug and troubleshoot the problems with the latest versions. That’s kind of counter to everything you’re meant to be doing as a beta tester. If no one reported bugs to us then NMM would never get any better (and no, “it’s broken, I’m rolling back until you fix it” doesn’t help!).

NMM version 0.33.1 is the beginning (and maybe even the end, if we've done a good enough job!) of our optimisations to get things back on track and with it come a couple of minor, but really important changes to the way NMM uses the web services:

The first is in the NMM version checker, the little screen that pops up for a split second when you first start NMM that checks if there’s a new NMM version available. In past versions NMM would check for new versions on every start-up of the program. We’ve changed that so it will only check, by default, every 3 days. You can change the amount of days between each check yourself within your NMM options from 1 to 7 days, or turn this off completely (as you could before). This will help to cut down on requests to our web services considerably.

The second is in the file version checker itself. As you know, NMM will query all the mods you have installed from the Nexus and let you know if the author has uploaded any new versions. Originally NMM would do this every time you started it. We’ve now changed this to only check once every three days, but we’ve added a button within NMM for you to ask NMM to check again whenever you want and once again you can change your preferences to change how often NMM will automatically check for new versions. We’ve done this because if you have 100 mods installed, and you open NMM 10 times a day to install mods or because you use NMM as your game launcher, you’re going to be making big calls to our web services 10 times a day when you might not always be using NMM to check for new file versions. That’s a lot of wasted calls to our web services when you split that across 1.2 million other people. It's important to note that the first time you use the update button NMM might become slow or unresponsive for a little while; don't worry, it hasn't crashed and it will come back. Subsequent uses of the button will not have the same problem and will normally update all your latest versions within a couple of seconds.

On the downloading front we’ve added some pretty cool (I think they're cool, anyway) options to ensure you’re downloading from the fastest servers at all times. You can find these options in the Settings section of NMM under the “Download options” tab. From here you can choose your nearest download location so that when you go to download a file via NMM, NMM will always try to use the servers in those locations first. This should really help to ensure that you’re getting the fastest download speeds possible at all times. If NMM can’t use those locations nearest to you for any reason it will just default to the least overloaded server. Similarly NMM will now tell you what file server location you’re downloading from. If you’re in the UK and the only file server available is in San Jose, you’ll understand why your download speed is going a bit slower. Please note that NMM doesn’t know where your nearest location is, so if you want to use this feature you’ll have to change the options yourself. Otherwise NMM defaults to using the least used file server at the time of downloading.

For Premium Members, in the same section you’ll find two new download options. The “Premium only” option will force NMM to always attempt to try and download from the Premium Only file servers, which should give you better speeds as there are far less people downloading from them. There are also options to change the number of connections/threads each download starts. Most people will want to keep this on 4 threads, but if you’re on a slow PC or if your ISP connection is a bit dodgy it might not like you making lots of connections at once, so this option is for you.

In other good news we’ve found the cause of the constant log-out issue, which is also the reason why some of you have been unable to upload large files recently (because the site logged you out half-way through uploading), and this has also been fixed. Thank the heavens, because that one was really annoying.

We’re turning off our old web services that past NMM versions have used (any before this latest one); not because we want to force you to use the latest versions but because as we release new versions and fix vulnerabilities or improve the performance of our servers we want to drop support for the older, inefficient versions as soon as possible to protect the integrity of the sites. That means if you want to stay using the older versions of NMM then NMM won’t be able to find new versions of your mods, and you also won’t be able to download through NMM either.

I'm pretty excited about this release of NMM because it's what I wanted the new download system to be like, and how I wanted it to work from the start. It works perfectly for me, and for us, in our internal testing, so my fingers are crossed tight that there aren't any major issues and that you guys are getting the same sort of performance I am out of it. However, should you run in to any problems (once again, touch wood you don't), as always please use the bug tracker for posting any bugs. And in other good news, we'll be putting online our two new file servers, one in Amsterdam and one in San Jose at some point a little later tonight.

This new version of NMM, along with our file servers, have had a number of efficiency tweaks applied to them and we’ll be monitoring the sites over the next 24 hours to see how much the changes have helped. If we think it needs more, we’ll do more, but we’re pretty confident that these pretty small changes are going to make a really big difference to everything and that we can get on with the new functionality we’ve been working on recently, which includes the ability to endorse files within NMM and the long awaited ability to make and sort your mods into categories. On the site side, we’re working on our much needed brand spanking new moderation suite for our staff to use, a new Nexus site and not one, not two, but three announcements of Nexus collaboration with three separate game developers, for games currently in development, along with a new type of Nexus site that will focus on pre-release information for these games.


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  1. progrunts5527
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I cant seem to be able to download the skyrim nexus mod manager onto my computer i click the download button but it doesnt download Can Anyone Help Me Please Im Trying To Get A Patch For A Shout Problem
  2. gargorias
    • premium
    • 358 kudos
    Well I decided to give NMM a try and it changed the load order of all my mods to something that didn't work!
    Would not suggest anyone to use this unless you know how to backup your load order file!
  3. hungrydillo
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    I'm not sure exactly where I should post this but I figured out some issues today with the NMM and incorrect mod version reporting.
    For instance if the NMM reports mod x is at version 1.1 but the newest version reports at v2. you get the yellow exclamation, click it takes you too the page, and it shows version 2.0 as the newest. If the author has done separate patch updates to the mod the version will report in NMM as the lesser current one.(As it technically should) You cant just click the download with manager link, You have to manually download the update to the NMM and it will then handle the update correctly. Then unfortunately you will have 2 mod mod entry's for the same mod. If the original mod file is updated and patch and then published in place of the old file NMM handles it exactly correct and shows the correct version with no issues. I found this to be slightly confusing until I figured out what was going on. Again the incorrect current version is due to the author of a particular mod releasing separate patch files from the original download file. There is no way for the NMM to correctly know which file is the patch version without the author assigning it. You then have to go to the Downloads section and manually download the update file, then you get mod x version 1.1 and Mod x Update v2.0 showing 2 files for the same mod in the mod manager One will show as non current version one will show current. Unnecessary Bloat in the manager in my opinion to do things like that, plus an extra layer of difficulty and confusion. But either way if this is not the correct place for this I hope someone can direct my post to the proper location.

    The particular mods where the authors have done patch files will never likely show is the most current version and you will have to at least manually upload the new patch, dump it in the NMM mod folder then restart the NMM and it Should be on the list. The problem with all this is you will never know which is the right version, and you may sometimes not know which patch goes with which mod unless the author is kind enough to name them with a similar name.

    Ok so I was able to get all the mods updated, but many on my list still show as not being the most current version and they never will until the main file is updated. This was a confusing experience and something IMO the NMM was designed to alleviate, I would say asking the mod authors to follow a standard of updating the main file without doing separate independent patches would make this issue disappear altogether, unfortunately I have been out of the modding community since the quake 3 unreal tournament days and have no clue how much of a hassle this might be for the author, but it sure would make things more seamless. That's just my 2 cents.

    On a side question or thought I guess, It would be nice if the manager while it was running had the ability to monitor each mod at start up and show which mod causes a crash and why. I don't know how possible that is like I said I have been out of the loop a long time. I was just thinking it would be easier than going through 75 mods one by one restarting the game trying to eliminate them 1 by 1 until you happen upon the conflicting mod, then you still have no way to know why its conflicting or what its conflicting with. a user might rather disable the conflicting mod over the mod they were trying to use.

    Thanks for the great mod manager because at this point It has worked perfectly for me, I see these issues as the authors faults in not setting up the downloads and updates properly! That said this place is full of the most amazing mods ever created I have completly enjoyed each mod thanks guys!

    Also figured I would Name some of the mods I have having these issues with so that it might help someone work the problem out..

    10 companions in Dragonsreach - 10 Followers in Whiterun
    ApachiiSkyHair_v_1_5_Full plus previous versions
    Armor of the Dragon Child
    Cloaks of Skyrim most versions
    Dova Strunmah Holl
    Dragonbone Ebonsteel HORSE Armor for convienient horses
    Giants Physics Fix
    Hist Dragon Armor Sets HD
    HN66s Long Eyelashes
    Immersive Armors - Immersive Armors V6 and previous
    NPC Clothes Changer and Maintainer - Outfit Changer 110Beta
    Power and Performance ENB by Fairianku
    Realistic Lighting with Customization
    Rest of Rashhuk Nordic Dungeon
    Silverlight Armor CLothing
    Skimpy and Superskimpy Forsworn armor Using CBBE
    Skyrim Immersive Creratures Current and Previous versions.
    Terra Armors for Skyrim - UNP -
    Unicorn - Unicorn
    Vija in Skyrim (Until I manually downloaded and updated then the issue disappeared)

    There were several Others but the issue disappeared when I manually installed the files in the NMM. I wanted to list Vija because its one of the most amazing mods I have ever seen.

    LOL now that I went through manually updating all the troubled mods some thing is broken and crashing the game at the main menu, so I am going through the painful process of shutting mods off. a Ininstall all MODS Button would be great!
  4. SoupierGalaxy
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    th e new versions of nmm wont let me download mods for vegas it has a hard time downloading them any help plz?
  5. bben46
    • premium
    • 781 kudos

    uak10, will installing the new version make me lose the mods I have already downloaded?

    You will not lose any mods by updating to the latest version.
  6. 233690178
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    thank you very much?????
  7. Hammer102
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    uak10, will installing the new version make me lose the mods I have already downloaded?
  8. uak10
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hammer102 have you goten the latest version of NMM : D

    if you have by now as it has been umm about 4 days

    if i read this right i am thinking the older versions are not or less supplyed information for ..

    just my though : D

    (alaska here) waves : D
  9. bben46
    • premium
    • 781 kudos
    If you can log into the forums, but not NMM check this pinned thread
    • member
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    Yes, the same thing! What have to do? ) thnx