Knights of the Old Republic

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Created by

Quanon and Marius Fett

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About this mod

This mod will install a unique armour for your Jedi Character.
You can put on the full suit: armour and helmet. Or just equip the helmet and match it with any other heavy armours suit of your choice.

Minor warning. The helmet might show some clipping with some of the player heads.

Permissions and credits
This mod will install a unique armour for your
Jedi Character. Nothing gets replaced, the armour works as a disguise.
Like the Sith armour or the Tusken Raider clothes in the game.

Because the armour works as a disguise you automatically also wear the helmet.
Though I've included the helmet as a seperate item, so it can be used with
any other armour from the game to.

Happy gaming!