- Refine results Found 40 results. 187 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: categories. (Clear filters)
Lengthens the time needed to get dirty. Spend less time washing!
Fast Launch (Skip Startup - Intro Videos)
Makes the game launch much faster by automatically skipping startup videos
- 0KB
- 91
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Fast Launch (Skip Startup - Intro Videos)
Makes the game launch much faster by automatically skipping startup videos
Port of KCD1 Cheat mod.
Keybindable Quicksave (default F10 on PC / Start Button on XBOX and PS5 - hold 0.3 seconds).
- 21KB
- 68
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Keybindable Quicksave (default F10 on PC / Start Button on XBOX and PS5 - hold 0.3 seconds).
Faster stamina regeneration for Henry and his horse. Combat attacks cost less stamina. (PTF)
- 1KB
- 65
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Faster stamina regeneration for Henry and his horse. Combat attacks cost less stamina. (PTF)
Items names with id's for all localizations
All game items + their id's + some info + all localizations
- 2.2MB
- 52
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Items names with id's for all localizations
All game items + their id's + some info + all localizations
Skips the intro video, its annoying
Disable Horse Camera Centering
Freely look where you want to while riding a horse, the camera won't reset itself.
- 0KB
- 39
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Disable Horse Camera Centering
Freely look where you want to while riding a horse, the camera won't reset itself.
Adds PROS reward items to the chest inside the Overgrown Dugout, optionally disable PROS completely. (PTF)
- 2KB
- 37
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Adds PROS reward items to the chest inside the Overgrown Dugout, optionally disable PROS completely. (PTF)
Make some of the basic elements semi transparent
No Fall Damage - PTF
Adds new quality of life keybindings and redesigns others. Sprint + Accept/Use. Mouse Right Abort/Exit.
- 34KB
- 24
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Adds new quality of life keybindings and redesigns others. Sprint + Accept/Use. Mouse Right Abort/Exit.
Disables the angriness system that causes NPCs/animals to be angry at Henry for his crimes/suspicious activities. (PTF)
- 3KB
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Disables the angriness system that causes NPCs/animals to be angry at Henry for his crimes/suspicious activities. (PTF)
Easily Abort/Exit/Skip ingame content with the simple press of your Right Mouse Button.
Makes the colors look more natural, killing off the Vanilla game's yellowish tint
Instant Reputation Notifications
Will instantly notify you of all current and future reputation changes. (PTF)
- 4KB
- 14
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Instant Reputation Notifications
Will instantly notify you of all current and future reputation changes. (PTF)
Optimized Ultra Graphics Configuration II
An Auto Execution Configuration File (autoexec.cfg) designed to enhance graphical fidelity and stabilize performance for high-end hardware.
- 1KB
- 14
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Optimized Ultra Graphics Configuration II
An Auto Execution Configuration File (autoexec.cfg) designed to enhance graphical fidelity and stabilize performance for high-end hardware.
This mod sets the graphics lower than vanilla Low preset, giving you higher performance, while still keeping the overall look of the game
- 1KB
- 13
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This mod sets the graphics lower than vanilla Low preset, giving you higher performance, while still keeping the overall look of the game
A simple and easy to use utility to turn any directory into a .pak file for use with KCD2.Intended for modders and developers
- 13.6MB
- 11
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A simple and easy to use utility to turn any directory into a .pak file for use with KCD2.Intended for modders and developers