Security update for Nexus Mod Manager

  • Comment
Today we are releasing some security updates for the Nexus Mod Manager to bring us in line with the new EU GDPR rules coming into force next month.

NMM has been "end-of-line" since 2016, which means we no longer provide any official support for the software, but we thought it was prudent to spend the time and money to release this update so our users could continue to use the software's online services while ensuring we're compliant with the new regulations. We also did not want people to think we were using the GDPR as an excuse to force people on to our new mod manager, Vortex, either. The alternative was to simply turn off the old services completely, essentially making NMM, and any other software using our old login services, offline only.

To prevent any drama with this process, we've even patched up version 0.52.3 of NMM (the last version before the profile functionality was added) so there are no complaints.

In order to be compliant, we need to turn off our old, less secure login to the web services completely. We plan to do this on Tuesday the 8th of May. This will mean anyone who does not update their NMM will no longer be able to use NMM online. This will prevent you from being able to login, check for new file versions or download mods from the site directly in to NMM. This will also affect any other software that uses the old login destination and method, for example, Mod Organizer. We do not officially support Mod Organizer, nor is it made, updated or maintained by us, so any updates needed to ensure it works with our new login service will need to be handled by the team behind Mod Organizer. If you are currently a coder with software making use of the old Nexus login system, please do get in contact via PM or Discord and I will put you through to the appropriate person to help you get on to the newer system as soon as possible.

For convenience, both updated versions of NMM can be found on a new file page setup to make this a little easier. Remember, download 0.65.0 if you are using a version of NMM that is 0.60.x or later. Download 0.52.4 if you are using version 0.52.3 of NMM.

Apologies for the inconvenience caused, but it's 8 year old code now and, at some point, this was going to happen!


  1. Dreifels
    • member
    • 225 kudos

    In between Release 0.72.3 released on 23 Oct 2020

    works for me - release note is HERE and downlod is HERE

  2. 83y
    • premium
    • 0 kudos

    In response to post #60097911. #60100766, #60112496, #60115581, #60116481, #60142121, #60143561, #60144161, #60164116, #60170176, #60171426, #60177146, #60199441 are all replies on the same post.


    chaosangel239 wrote: So I upgraded to the very last version of NMM as shown at the top of the nexus page, I can log in, but when I try to re-download a mod it gets an error saying...

    An exception occured in the script.

    I click show details and it says something roughly to this effect...

    System.Reflection. TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.Security.SecurityException: Request for the permission of type 'System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermission,mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKey Token=b77a5c561934e089' failed.

    Then goes into an endless torrent of other computer jargen under the heading of "Server stack trace:".

    I have no clue what any of that means, but I tried opening NMM as an administrator and it persists, so whatever it means by permissions has nothing to do with being an administrator I guess, does anyone know what it means? if I can't get NMM to work anymore, I'm happy to try a different mod manager, but I need to know that it works well, I don't know what's happening with Vortex and what is being done with it, how stable it is.

    I could try Mod Organizer, as long as it can download mods from nexus just as stably as NMM, I've seen the MO fix on this page yes, I just want to know others opinion of other managers before I decide, I've never used anything but NMM before, so it's a scary undertaking, learning a new Manager, your thoughts are appreciated.

    Caduryn wrote: NEVER use the Version from this Site, outdated and broken, use this:

    chaosangel239 wrote: Is there a way to fully uninstall NMM? I tried installing the one from your link @Caduryn but the error persists, I suspect installing over the original didn't work, I need to purge the system of anything to do with NMM before installing your version, just to be certain there's nothing else preventing it from working.

    Vanguardascendant wrote: I'd like to echo Caduryn that the github version 65.4 seems to work well. I had several issues after the EU-forced update for 65.2. Examples included not being able to sort mods and also not being able to install FOMOD-menu mods. 65.4 seems to have this corrected. Unfortunately, the only way I know of to COMPLETELY uninstall NMM would be to find every directory, including those in your User folders as well as the Fallout 4 folders and delete it all. At that point, heck, I'd just uninstall and reinstall Fallout 4 completely. Sorry to hear that you're having these issues.

    Athelbras wrote: @Vanguardascendant

    v0.65.4 works in some cases, but is not 100% reliable. There are valid install scripts that continue to fail with v0.65.x. The problem has been reported over at GITHUB, and will likely be resolved eventually.

    Reldnahc98 wrote: Forgive me for being uneducated in this whole deal, but if I install the version from that link, will it automatically replace my old version and keep all of the mods there? Or will I have to completely uninstall NMM before installing that one?

    chaosangel239 wrote: @Reldnahc98 That's the mystery that basically led to my problems, I would wait for more info before doing anything, lest you meet the same fate as I lol, by the time I heard about the github version, I had already tried both "So called" "Fixed" versions of NMM released by Nexus team, 52.X and 64.X only for them to make matters worse, so I don't even know if upgrading to github version would have solved my problem or not. :/

    Then there's what Athelbras says above... so I really don't know, we might all just have to migrate to MO, those of us who couldn't get NMM to keep working, the Vortex page makes it very clear that it is in Alpha stage, so dunno what the deal is there.

    From what I remember, NMM has been in Beta since release, (at least it has been since I began modding.) and I never had major issues with it except the occasional messy uninstall on a mod I had to manually clean, if Nexus team has indeed improved on their original Manager idea than I can't imagine what issues Vortex would have that NMM didn't.

    Chickenator587 wrote: @Caduryn how can i use this link ( to update my nexus cause i can only get it to install an independent new version that doesn't have my current mods on it. please help.

    Reldnahc98 wrote: Oof, this has just become a confusing problem for everyone, it seems. I think my best bet would be to wait a while for a concrete fix. I can still play my games with my current mods so waiting isn't that big of a problem; still, though, I like for all my software to be updated and I've been itching for a couple new mods I've been looking at.

    chaosangel239 wrote: @Reldnahc98

    I reckon you'll be waiting a while unfortunately, Dark0ne said that NMM has been discontinued basically, so unless someone takes it upon themselves to go into NMM's code and improve upon it, (Assuming Nexus Team allows that.) NMM is dead my friend, from this point it's either change Managers, or don't use any new mods.

    It's looking pretty grim, I know that feeling of dread tho, this'll be the second time I have to redo everything, and the damage is already done in my case. :/

    Either way, I feel like the only way to know for certain that your manager continues to do it's job in future will be to purge all things NMM from the system and start from scratch with a new manager, at least then if you get problems, you'll know it isn't because of this login business.

    I've always heard people swear by MO, saying it allows for much greater control over what happens with your mods, it's apparently more complex than NMM obviously, requiring you to have a certain "Awareness" of what files go where, but maybe it's worth looking into, I would take a look at some tutorials on how to use it, I probably will myself.

    Reldnahc98 wrote: Ouch... this sucks. I'm new to modding so I've a lot to learn. If I was to remove NMM completely from my system, download another manager, and install the exact mods I had before onto this new manager, would that keep my games' save files safe and sound?

    Caduryn wrote: @Chickenator587, Well no idea... I downloaded this Version and installed it and i have all my Mods there...

    thrax7545 wrote: It should...

    I had the same exception with the latest version of NMM when was trying to install SkyUI mod
    So, I had to downgrade it to 0.63.19, and now it seems to work.

    You can find it at github

    This worked for me after hours of searching for a fix, I tried multiple peoples suggestions and this worked for me - 2021
  3. aba42
    • premium
    • 38 kudos
    I place this here, as I have NO idea where else to place it.

    Re Mod Organizer "update", dated May 12, 2019. After applying the MO update:

    1. All of my mods have been alphabetized (left pane) AND unchecked. Selecting the Priority column, merely rearranges everything into two alphabetical lists, differentiated by apparently random criteria.
    2. All of my Nexus mods are Flagged "Not Endorsed Yet". Mods from other sources do not have any Flags.
    3. Right-pane is empty, as none are checked in left pane anymore, except for Dragonborn, HearthFires, Dawnguard, the three HiResPacks and one, unmarked, quest.esp
    4. Under MO's Configure Plugins and Workarounds, Nexus tab, NO Known Servers (updated on download) are present, despite several restarts, so I cannot select a Preferred Server.
  4. TheGreatFalro
    • premium
    • 46 kudos

    In response to post #59936501. #59937496, #59943296, #59945531, #59946251, #59950841, #59955056, #59955076, #59959966, #59967171, #59973026, #60019421, #60030726, #62346667, #62348552 are all replies on the same post.


    Andarus2 wrote: Adding #

    in your HOSTS file will fix the MO Issues.

    barisnevres wrote: You saved a lot of work, thank you

    danielleonyett wrote: Hi, would you be able to tell me where to find the HOSTS file? I'm having a difficult time locating it. :/

    Deathskull92 wrote: It will be in: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc folder

    danielleonyett wrote: sweet! i just had to look up how to modify that file, but easily found instructions AND IT WORKED!
    opened mod organizer and it signs me in, no problem! thanks and kudos to you & andarus2!

    TacticianLyra wrote: Thank you so much for doing this. I couldn't even download files from the site without it.

    Ghost85100 wrote: This worked for being able to sign in, but did nothing for being able to download mods. I get this log upon trying to download mods like "Beyond Skyrim: Bruma" and "Immersive Creatures" (they downloaded to 100% but I can't do anything with them after that):


    22:13:45 [D] Working directory: C:\Users\[Me]\Documents\Mod Management\ModOrganizer
    22:13:45 [D] MO at: C:\Users\[Me]\Documents\Mod Management\ModOrganizer
    22:13:45 [D] initializing core
    22:13:45 [D] downloads after refresh: 2
    22:13:45 [D] initialize plugins
    22:13:45 [D] looking for plugins in C:\Users\[Me]\Documents\Mod Management\ModOrganizer\plugins
    22:13:45 [D] loaded plugin "bsaExtractor.dll"
    22:13:45 [D] loaded plugin "checkFNIS.dll"
    22:13:45 [D] loaded plugin "diagnoseBasic.dll"
    22:13:45 [D] loaded plugin "gameFallout3.dll"
    22:13:45 [D] loaded plugin "gameFalloutNV.dll"
    22:13:45 [D] loaded plugin "gameOblivion.dll"
    22:13:45 [D] loaded plugin "gameSkyrim.dll"
    22:13:45 [D] loaded plugin "iniEditor.dll"
    22:13:45 [D] loaded plugin "installerBAIN.dll"
    22:13:45 [D] loaded plugin "installerBundle.dll"
    22:13:45 [D] loaded plugin "installerFomod.dll"
    22:13:45 [D] loaded plugin "installerManual.dll"
    22:13:45 [D] loaded plugin "installerNCC.dll"
    22:13:45 [D] loaded plugin "installerQuick.dll"
    22:13:45 [D] loaded plugin "NMMImport.dll"
    22:13:45 [D] loaded plugin "previewBase.dll"
    22:13:45 [D] loaded plugin ""
    22:13:45 [D] loaded plugin "proxyPython.dll"
    22:13:46 [D] downloads after refresh: 57
    22:13:46 [D] game path: C:\Users\[Me]\Documents\Games\steamapps\common\Skyrim
    22:13:46 [D] managing game at C:\Users\[Me]\Documents\Games\steamapps\common\Skyrim
    22:13:46 [D] setting up configured executables
    22:13:46 [D] configured profile: Default
    22:13:46 [D] validating login cookies
    22:13:46 [D] initializing tutorials
    22:13:46 [D] loaded language en-US
    22:13:47 [D] interface Wi-Fi seems to be up (address: 2601:742:8004:3e9f::3b6e)
    22:13:47 [D] displaying main window
    22:13:47 [D] retrieving credentials
    22:13:47 [D] user is not premium
    22:13:49 [D] C:\Users\[Me]\Documents\Mod Management\ModOrganizer\profiles\Default\modlist.txt saved
    22:13:54 [D] request resume from url
    22:13:54 [D] resume at 274436452 bytes
    22:14:01 [D] request resume from url
    22:14:01 [D] resume at 157824248 bytes
    22:20:01 [D] nexus category id 42 maps to internal 35
    22:20:01 [D] mod id guessed: A Quality World Map - New Installer-4929-8-4 -> 4929
    22:20:01 [D] using mod name "A Quality World Map and Solstheim Map - With Roads" (id 4929) -> A Quality World Map - New Installer-4929-8-4.7z
    22:20:09 [D] running C:\Users\[Me]\Documents\Mod Management\ModOrganizer\NCC\NexusClientCLI.exe -g Skyrim -p "C:\Users\[Me]\Documents\Mod Management\ModOrganizer\profiles\Default" -gd "C:\Users\[Me]\Documents\G...
    22:20:24 [D] brought window to front
    22:20:38 [D] Installation successful
    22:22:25 [D] request resume from url
    22:22:25 [D] resume at 672876832 bytes
    22:22:26 [W] Error downloading Immersive Creatures v6_5_2b NMM BAIN-24913-6-5-2b.7z?fid=1000196583&ttl=1525937244&ri=8192&rs=8192&setec=19c0d9ab3edc8373f25327c3b7a838ad...
    22:22:26 [D] request resume from url
    22:22:26 [D] resume at 672876832 bytes
    22:22:26 [W] Error downloading Immersive Creatures v6_5_2b NMM BAIN-24913-6-5-2b.7z?fid=1000196583&ttl=1525937244&ri=8192&rs=8192&setec=19c0d9ab3edc8373f25327c3b7a838ad...
    22:22:28 [D] request resume from url
    22:22:28 [D] resume at 672876832 bytes
    22:22:29 [W] Error downloading Immersive Creatures v6_5_2b NMM BAIN-24913-6-5-2b.7z?fid=1000196583&ttl=1525937244&ri=8192&rs=8192&setec=19c0d9ab3edc8373f25327c3b7a838ad...
    22:22:29 [D] Download failed: Error downloading Immersive Creatures v6_5_2b NMM BAIN-24913-6-5-2b.7z?fid=1000196583&ttl=1525937244&ri=8192&rs=8192&setec=19c0d9ab3edc837...
    22:29:51 [D] request resume from url
    22:29:51 [D] resume at 672876832 bytes
    22:29:51 [W] Error downloading Immersive Creatures v6_5_2b NMM BAIN-24913-6-5-2b.7z?fid=1000196583&ttl=1525937244&ri=8192&rs=8192&setec=19c0d9ab3edc8373f25327c3b7a838ad...
    22:29:51 [D] request resume from url
    22:29:51 [D] resume at 672876832 bytes
    22:29:52 [W] Error downloading Immersive Creatures v6_5_2b NMM BAIN-24913-6-5-2b.7z?fid=1000196583&ttl=1525937244&ri=8192&rs=8192&setec=19c0d9ab3edc8373f25327c3b7a838ad...
    22:29:52 [D] request resume from url
    22:29:52 [D] resume at 672876832 bytes
    22:29:52 [W] Error downloading Immersive Creatures v6_5_2b NMM BAIN-24913-6-5-2b.7z?fid=1000196583&ttl=1525937244&ri=8192&rs=8192&setec=19c0d9ab3edc8373f25327c3b7a838ad...
    22:29:52 [D] request resume from url
    22:29:52 [D] resume at 672876832 bytes
    22:29:53 [W] Error downloading Immersive Creatures v6_5_2b NMM BAIN-24913-6-5-2b.7z?fid=1000196583&ttl=1525937244&ri=8192&rs=8192&setec=19c0d9ab3edc8373f25327c3b7a838ad...
    22:29:53 [D] Download failed: Error downloading Immersive Creatures v6_5_2b NMM BAIN-24913-6-5-2b.7z?fid=1000196583&ttl=1525937244&ri=8192&rs=8192&setec=19c0d9ab3edc837...

    TheInquizitor wrote: pin this

    the only worthwhile mod tool

    DoKM91AS wrote: So you can get the downloads directly to MO if you set the download directory on your browser to the downloads folder of MO

    jfjb2005 wrote: ==> I second that comment about DL broken.
    ==> Using MO v1.311. Log samples:
    11:14:34 [W] Error downloading Better Quest Objectives v1.6.4-32695-1-6-4.7z?fid=1000272178&ttl=1525986074&ri=8192&rs=8192&setec=046ad1c98bf3f7267f0a5b2d7a1d96f0 - server...

    11:14:35 [W] Error downloading Better Quest Objectives v1.6.4-32695-1-6-4.7z?fid=1000272178&ttl=1525986074&ri=8192&rs=8192&setec=046ad1c98bf3f7267f0a5b2d7a1d96f0 - server...
    11:14:35 [D] Download failed: Error downloading Better Quest Objectives v1.6.4-32695-1-6-4.7z?fid=1000272178&ttl=1525986074&ri=8192&rs=8192&setec=046ad1c98bf3f7267f0a5b2d...

    11:14:50 [D] Download failed: Error downloading Better Quest Objectives v1.6.4-32695-1-6-4.7z?fid=1000272178&ttl=1525986074&ri=8192&rs=8192&setec=046ad1c98bf3f7267f0a5b2d...

    ==> Refer to my post in "Report an Issue".

    bondagemod wrote: this needs a sticky!

    neoquinn wrote: Thanks man your a life saver!

    spineyfox wrote: You the man.

    TheInquizitor wrote: bump

    TheInquizitor wrote: z

    Hi,Andarus, would you be kind enough to explain this in PC Idiot, because I have no idea what u trying to say. Would it be possible to address this as a step by step process, certainly do not want to to inconvinence you. But , you would be greatly helping one of the oldest player here (1956) tahnking you in advance for any guidance to this problem.

    I don't know your skill level, so apologies if this is too much info.
    The Mod Organizer developers have released a patch that makes this unnecessary.  Click here: and scroll down a little until you see "Miscellaneous files", and under it "Mod Organizer 1 Legacy" and a light blue check mark next to it.  Click the words "Mod Organizer 1 Legacy", and the box will expand.  Then click "Manual Download" and wait for your web browser to download it.  Open the file called "Mod Organizer 1" and you should see a list of files.  Press (on your keyboard) CTRL and A at the same time, and it will select all of them.  Then press (again on your keyboard) CTRL and C to copy them.  Then go to where you have installed Mod Organizer (most likely C:\Program Files (x86)\Mod Organizer or C:\Games\Mod Organizer ) and press CTRL and P to paste them.  Say "yes" or "overwrite" if it asks you.  Then you're done!
    1. Onespirit10
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Thank you!
    2. awjnash
      • premium
      • 13 kudos
      Thank you very much!
    3. CaptCluster
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Massive thank you.
    4. Viv2012
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Thanks for posting that TheGreatFalro.
      That helped me to get the new version set up to Mod Organizer Classic v1.3.15 (Not logged in)
      I had previously tried check updates and had all mods endorsed but come up with the not endorsed symbol.

      With the new right click commands of MO that I can use on all mods in my left pane and select endorsed ...
      it will give me an error message saying invalid user. Whereas if I click visit on nexus the link takes me to nexus showing that I'm logged in
      and shows that I have endorsed the mod.
      I can also right click and select won't endorse and clear the endorse symbol however that is covering up that Mod Organizer considers me not logged in.

      I had previously amended the hosts file in c:windows\system32\drivers\etc to contain the line #

      I can download mods from nexus and add them to my game and then endorse those mods just that I cannot get MO to consider older mods as endorsed when they clearly are at nexus. Nor can I get the MO logged in heading.

      Any helpful ideas?
  5. Dreifels
    • member
    • 225 kudos

    I got  v. 0.65.2 and when it tried to update it says "could not get version information from update server." What do I have to do get the application to update without losing any of the mods I had downloaded?

    you read the first line of that message only.
    the second line is the link to
    from where you can download the last version
  6. animal630
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I got  v. 0.65.2 and when it tried to update it says "could not get version information from update server." What do I have to do get the application to update without losing any of the mods I had downloaded?
  7. Andarus2
    • premium
    • 7 kudos

    in your HOSTS file will fix the MO Issues.
    1. barisnevres
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      You saved a lot of work, thank you
    2. danielleonyett
      • supporter
      • 9 kudos
      Hi, would you be able to tell me where to find the HOSTS file? I'm having a difficult time locating it. :/
    3. Deathskull92
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      It will be in: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc folder
    4. danielleonyett
      • supporter
      • 9 kudos
      sweet! i just had to look up how to modify that file, but easily found instructions AND IT WORKED!
      opened mod organizer and it signs me in, no problem! thanks and kudos to you & andarus2!
    5. TacticianLyra
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      Thank you so much for doing this. I couldn't even download files from the site without it.
    6. Ghost85100
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      This worked for being able to sign in, but did nothing for being able to download mods. I get this log upon trying to download mods like "Beyond Skyrim: Bruma" and "Immersive Creatures" (they downloaded to 100% but I can't do anything with them after that):


      22:13:45 [D] Working directory: C:\Users\[Me]\Documents\Mod Management\ModOrganizer
      22:13:45 [D] MO at: C:\Users\[Me]\Documents\Mod Management\ModOrganizer
      22:13:45 [D] initializing core
      22:13:45 [D] downloads after refresh: 2
      22:13:45 [D] initialize plugins
      22:13:45 [D] looking for plugins in C:\Users\[Me]\Documents\Mod Management\ModOrganizer\plugins
      22:13:45 [D] loaded plugin "bsaExtractor.dll"
      22:13:45 [D] loaded plugin "checkFNIS.dll"
      22:13:45 [D] loaded plugin "diagnoseBasic.dll"
      22:13:45 [D] loaded plugin "gameFallout3.dll"
      22:13:45 [D] loaded plugin "gameFalloutNV.dll"
      22:13:45 [D] loaded plugin "gameOblivion.dll"
      22:13:45 [D] loaded plugin "gameSkyrim.dll"
      22:13:45 [D] loaded plugin "iniEditor.dll"
      22:13:45 [D] loaded plugin "installerBAIN.dll"
      22:13:45 [D] loaded plugin "installerBundle.dll"
      22:13:45 [D] loaded plugin "installerFomod.dll"
      22:13:45 [D] loaded plugin "installerManual.dll"
      22:13:45 [D] loaded plugin "installerNCC.dll"
      22:13:45 [D] loaded plugin "installerQuick.dll"
      22:13:45 [D] loaded plugin "NMMImport.dll"
      22:13:45 [D] loaded plugin "previewBase.dll"
      22:13:45 [D] loaded plugin ""
      22:13:45 [D] loaded plugin "proxyPython.dll"
      22:13:46 [D] downloads after refresh: 57
      22:13:46 [D] game path: C:\Users\[Me]\Documents\Games\steamapps\common\Skyrim
      22:13:46 [D] managing game at C:\Users\[Me]\Documents\Games\steamapps\common\Skyrim
      22:13:46 [D] setting up configured executables
      22:13:46 [D] configured profile: Default
      22:13:46 [D] validating login cookies
      22:13:46 [D] initializing tutorials
      22:13:46 [D] loaded language en-US
      22:13:47 [D] interface Wi-Fi seems to be up (address: 2601:742:8004:3e9f::3b6e)
      22:13:47 [D] displaying main window
      22:13:47 [D] retrieving credentials
      22:13:47 [D] user is not premium
      22:13:49 [D] C:\Users\[Me]\Documents\Mod Management\ModOrganizer\profiles\Default\modlist.txt saved
      22:13:54 [D] request resume from url
      22:13:54 [D] resume at 274436452 bytes
      22:14:01 [D] request resume from url
      22:14:01 [D] resume at 157824248 bytes
      22:20:01 [D] nexus category id 42 maps to internal 35
      22:20:01 [D] mod id guessed: A Quality World Map - New Installer-4929-8-4 -> 4929
      22:20:01 [D] using mod name "A Quality World Map and Solstheim Map - With Roads" (id 4929) -> A Quality World Map - New Installer-4929-8-4.7z
      22:20:09 [D] running C:\Users\[Me]\Documents\Mod Management\ModOrganizer\NCC\NexusClientCLI.exe -g Skyrim -p "C:\Users\[Me]\Documents\Mod Management\ModOrganizer\profiles\Default" -gd "C:\Users\[Me]\Documents\G...
      22:20:24 [D] brought window to front
      22:20:38 [D] Installation successful
      22:22:25 [D] request resume from url
      22:22:25 [D] resume at 672876832 bytes
      22:22:26 [W] Error downloading Immersive Creatures v6_5_2b NMM BAIN-24913-6-5-2b.7z?fid=1000196583&ttl=1525937244&ri=8192&rs=8192&setec=19c0d9ab3edc8373f25327c3b7a838ad...
      22:22:26 [D] request resume from url
      22:22:26 [D] resume at 672876832 bytes
      22:22:26 [W] Error downloading Immersive Creatures v6_5_2b NMM BAIN-24913-6-5-2b.7z?fid=1000196583&ttl=1525937244&ri=8192&rs=8192&setec=19c0d9ab3edc8373f25327c3b7a838ad...
      22:22:28 [D] request resume from url
      22:22:28 [D] resume at 672876832 bytes
      22:22:29 [W] Error downloading Immersive Creatures v6_5_2b NMM BAIN-24913-6-5-2b.7z?fid=1000196583&ttl=1525937244&ri=8192&rs=8192&setec=19c0d9ab3edc8373f25327c3b7a838ad...
      22:22:29 [D] Download failed: Error downloading Immersive Creatures v6_5_2b NMM BAIN-24913-6-5-2b.7z?fid=1000196583&ttl=1525937244&ri=8192&rs=8192&setec=19c0d9ab3edc837...
      22:29:51 [D] request resume from url
      22:29:51 [D] resume at 672876832 bytes
      22:29:51 [W] Error downloading Immersive Creatures v6_5_2b NMM BAIN-24913-6-5-2b.7z?fid=1000196583&ttl=1525937244&ri=8192&rs=8192&setec=19c0d9ab3edc8373f25327c3b7a838ad...
      22:29:51 [D] request resume from url
      22:29:51 [D] resume at 672876832 bytes
      22:29:52 [W] Error downloading Immersive Creatures v6_5_2b NMM BAIN-24913-6-5-2b.7z?fid=1000196583&ttl=1525937244&ri=8192&rs=8192&setec=19c0d9ab3edc8373f25327c3b7a838ad...
      22:29:52 [D] request resume from url
      22:29:52 [D] resume at 672876832 bytes
      22:29:52 [W] Error downloading Immersive Creatures v6_5_2b NMM BAIN-24913-6-5-2b.7z?fid=1000196583&ttl=1525937244&ri=8192&rs=8192&setec=19c0d9ab3edc8373f25327c3b7a838ad...
      22:29:52 [D] request resume from url
      22:29:52 [D] resume at 672876832 bytes
      22:29:53 [W] Error downloading Immersive Creatures v6_5_2b NMM BAIN-24913-6-5-2b.7z?fid=1000196583&ttl=1525937244&ri=8192&rs=8192&setec=19c0d9ab3edc8373f25327c3b7a838ad...
      22:29:53 [D] Download failed: Error downloading Immersive Creatures v6_5_2b NMM BAIN-24913-6-5-2b.7z?fid=1000196583&ttl=1525937244&ri=8192&rs=8192&setec=19c0d9ab3edc837...
    7. deleted38897005
      • account closed
      • 7 kudos
      pin this

      the only worthwhile mod tool
    8. DoKM91AS
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      So you can get the downloads directly to MO if you set the download directory on your browser to the downloads folder of MO
    9. jfjb2005
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      ==> I second that comment about DL broken.
      ==> Using MO v1.311. Log samples:
      11:14:34 [W] Error downloading Better Quest Objectives v1.6.4-32695-1-6-4.7z?fid=1000272178&ttl=1525986074&ri=8192&rs=8192&setec=046ad1c98bf3f7267f0a5b2d7a1d96f0 - server...

      11:14:35 [W] Error downloading Better Quest Objectives v1.6.4-32695-1-6-4.7z?fid=1000272178&ttl=1525986074&ri=8192&rs=8192&setec=046ad1c98bf3f7267f0a5b2d7a1d96f0 - server...
      11:14:35 [D] Download failed: Error downloading Better Quest Objectives v1.6.4-32695-1-6-4.7z?fid=1000272178&ttl=1525986074&ri=8192&rs=8192&setec=046ad1c98bf3f7267f0a5b2d...

      11:14:50 [D] Download failed: Error downloading Better Quest Objectives v1.6.4-32695-1-6-4.7z?fid=1000272178&ttl=1525986074&ri=8192&rs=8192&setec=046ad1c98bf3f7267f0a5b2d...

      ==> Refer to my post in "Report an Issue".
    10. bondagemod
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      this needs a sticky!
    11. Veren0
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Thanks man your a life saver!
    12. spineyfox
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      You the man.
    13. deleted38897005
      • account closed
      • 7 kudos
    14. deleted38897005
      • account closed
      • 7 kudos
    15. Sandman_Cometh
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hi,Andarus, would you be kind enough to explain this in PC Idiot, because I have no idea what u trying to say. Would it be possible to address this as a step by step process, certainly do not want to to inconvinence you. But , you would be greatly helping one of the oldest player here (1956) tahnking you in advance for any guidance to this problem.
    16. xmp_tenacity
      • supporter
      • 7 kudos
      I have just been downloading from chrome directly into MO download folder and then refreshing MO. The downloads show up in the right pane and then I right click on the download and select 'query info' and MO will download the info and then I am able to install as normal.
      Is there a reason that I should do something other than this?
      It is an extra couple of steps but it appears to me that it is probably the best option at the moment.
      Will I regret it later?
  8. Yanoi
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    "Cannot import archive files because NMM configuration is corrupt" Well all my 180 mods work well on NMM and I'm not going to play which best mod-manager games because the new one is so poorly coded it thinks my files are corrupt. Vortex is kinds crap. Everything is behind closed doors and not as simple and well integrated and useful as NMM. Keep using NMM even if it's impossible to log into NM through the application, still works fine without it.

    Why was Vortex created? To piss off veteran modders.
  9. cery30
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Thank you!!!!!! Finally i'm able to mod again (quite dumbass without nexus, i owe my left testicle to NMM)
    That site is legit as it can be, for those who might be afraid. Works like a charm!
    1. acm2000
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks to you too it works !!!
    2. Lizski
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Amazing thank you - worked for me
    3. xbix99
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks! =3
  10. UnstableTexan
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Apparently, if the NMM is on version 0.65.2, it will not update when it automatically tries to on startup after booting up my PC, or even if i launch the updater manually.
    Apart from that, it functions flawlessly and runs really smooth.