
Mod articles

  • small scale sample of improvements and technical details about the mod

    Importance of the mod in update v1.1
    When working on the mod idea was pretty simple
    Improve performance of the game without impact on visuals
    There is a lot of potential for improvements inside the game
    and my goal is to find good ways to improve experience for as many people as possible
    i honestly like kenshi and i enjoy playing it, but i don't think it should work worse and heat my PC harder
    than GTAV/Witcher3/modded skyrim/any grand battle RTSes
    Here i wanted to present you simple example of my work:
    This is just sample, changes ware made to all the files, one by one, until they are done into clean perfect formVanilla particle effect file:
    My edit:
    Where is the difference?
    i made the difference, if you wanna ...