Jurassic World Evolution 2

Dino Kingdom is a breathtaking and thrilling park within Jurassic World Evolution 2 that offers visitors a journey back in time to the prehistoric era. Situated on a remote island, this park is a marvel of genetic engineering and modern technology, designed to immerse guests in the world of dinosaurs like never before. With its lush landscapes, state-of-the-art facilities, and an impressive collection of genetically recreated dinosaurs, Dinosaur Kingdom promises an unforgettable adventure for dinosaur enthusiasts and park-goers of all ages.

The Park Includes:

  • Diverse Dinosaur Exhibits: Dino Kingdom boasts an extensive collection of dinosaur species, carefully curated to showcase the incredible diversity of prehistoric life. From the towering Tyrannosaurus rex to the graceful Brachiosaurus, visitors can observe these magnificent creatures up close in their natural habitats.
  • Interactive Educational Centers: The park is not just about entertainment; it's also dedicated to education. Interactive educational centers and exhibits are strategically placed throughout the park, offering visitors the chance to learn about dinosaur history, genetics, and the science behind their recreation.
  • Dino Safari Tours: The heart-pounding Dino Safari Tours take guests on a guided adventure through the park's dinosaur enclosures, providing a thrilling opportunity to see these creatures in action. Visitors can watch as dinosaurs interact with each other, hunt, and exhibit their natural behaviors from the safety of specially designed safari vehicles.
  • Aviary: In the park's soaring aviary, guests can marvel at the spectacle of ancient flying reptiles like the Pteranodon and Quetzalcoatlus. The aviary is designed to mimic the prehistoric skies, allowing these majestic creatures to soar freely.
  • Fossil Excavation Sites: Dinosaur Kingdom offers hands-on experiences for aspiring paleontologists. Visitors can participate in fossil excavation activities, discovering the ancient remains of long-extinct creatures and gaining a deeper understanding of the science behind paleontology.
  • Dining and Shopping: A variety of themed restaurants and souvenir shops offer delicious meals and unique merchandise for guests to take home as mementos of their dinosaur-filled adventure.
  • Guest Safety: Safety is a top priority at Dinosaur Kingdom. Robust security measures, advanced containment technology, and well-trained staff ensure that visitors can enjoy the park's attractions with peace of mind.
  • Nighttime Attractions: As the sun sets, Dinosaur Kingdom transforms into a magical world with nighttime attractions, including illuminated dinosaur enclosures and captivating light shows that celebrate the beauty of the prehistoric past
  • 316 Dinosaurs total
All the dinosaurs are:
Alamosaurus: 2
Allosaurus: 3
Amargasaurus: 2
Ankylosaurus: 3
Apatosaurus: 2
Archaeornithomimus: 8
Baryonyx: 5
Brachiosaurus: 2
Camarasaurus: 2
Carnosaurus: 5
Chasmosaurus: 5
Chunkingosaurus: 4
Compsognathus: 10
Corythosaurus: 6
Crichtonsaurus: 4
Deinocheirus: 4
Dilophosaurus: 8
Diplodocus: 2
Dracorex: 8
Drednoughtus: 1
Dryosaurus: 6
Edmontosaurus: 5
Euplocephalus: 3
Gallimimus: 10
Giganotosaurus: 1
Gigantspinosaurus: 6
Homolocephale: 10
Iguanodon: 4
Indominus Rex: 1
Indoraptor: 1
Lystrosaurus: 6
Mamenchisaurus: 1
Minmi: 8
Moros Intrepidus: 6
Muttaburrasaurus: 4
Nasutoceratops: 5
Nigersaurus: 3
Olorotitan: 5
Ouranosaurus: 4
Oviraptor: 8
Pachycephalosaurus: 8
Pachyrhinosaurus: 5
Parasaurlophus: 6
Scorpios Rex: 1
Sinoceratops: 4
Spinosaurus: 1
Stegosaurus: 6
Struthiomimus: 7
Suchomimus: 4
Torosaurus: 4
Triceratops: 6
Tsintaosaurus: 6
Tyrannosaurus Rex: 1
Velociraptor: 6
Wuerhosaurus: 6

Flying Reptiles: 
Dimorphodon: 6
Jehlopterus: 7
Pteranodon: 6
Quetzalcoatlus: 1
Tapejara: 6

Marine Reptiles:
Archelon: 4
Attenborosaurus: 5
Dunkleosteus: 3
Elasmosaurus: 3
Ichtyosaurus: 8
Mosasaurus: 1
Nothosaurus: 6
Shonisaurus: 2

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