Jurassic World Evolution
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  • Jurassic World Evolution
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  • Therizinosaurus


    Last Update: 05 Jan 2020
    Author: Digital Duck

    This mod replaces the Apatosaurus with Therizinosaurus, including names, descriptions, and images. The mod is still in a WIP stage but until rig editing becomes possible this is about the most I can do. Please read the Readme.txt file to properly install. https://imgur.com/a/BDndGQL Here's a video clip link

    • 39.2MB
    • 356
    • --


    Last Update: 05 Jan 2020

    This mod replaces the Apatosaurus with Therizinosaurus, including names, descriptions, and images. The mod is still in a WIP stage but until rig editing becomes possible this is about the most I can do. Please read the Readme.txt file to properly install. https://imgur.com/a/BDndGQL Here's a video clip link