Jurassic World Evolution
Sexual dimorpism

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Hi everybody!
I don't wanna be that guy and ask modders for more stuff but i am going to put an idea into the world!
There are a lot of cool Buck tyrannosaurus mods or Rexy animatronic models and way more rex stuff! But how cool would it be to have some of those as new variants! 
That would make it possible to have "sexual dimorpism" ingame with different skull structures from eachother like the Rex pair had in the lost world!
I always like to make pairs of animals in my parks with different skins to simulate the ideas of males and females but its sad that the male rex in the franchise look so awesome but can't be kept in the same game as a female! 
But this could be done for any species you can think of! 
Nasutoceratops and allosaurus also have sexual dimorpism in the movie canon of the movies! 
Please if you don't like mod suggestions i get it and too many people ask for stuff but please keep the comments civil!
Hope everyone has a great day!
Stay safe!

(Btw sorry for my terrible English its not my first language)


  1. Axpovious
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I think this is entirely possible and would be an excellent addition, the Lost World Rexes are a great example of that. I'd love to see Niko Rex's Bull Rex get added as a new cosmetic, as that's probably the best Bull rex mod we have currently ngl.
  2. MARS2503
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    I think Triceratops also has sexual dimorphism. In The Lost World, I'm pretty sure the Triceratops that destroyed the mercenaries camp was a male.
    1. luckykruemel
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      ich glaube in jp 3 wurde mänliche tiere gezeigt in der zehne wo sie über die groß wieße fliegen
  3. cliffordfletcher003
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    You could probally as a new cosmetic  but if we learn about how to change size (Like planet zoo) then you could make juveniles and subadults
    1. gerrie2000
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      That would be awesome but i doubt thats possible in this game.... 
      The jurassic park 3 park builder mod pack did contain a baby rex(uses herrerasaurus rig) and he managed to make it not scared of big carnivores so it doesn't panic all the time! It looks pretty good!
      (Wonder if constandchange is still planning to finish that pack! All of the dinosaurs he released looked amazing! Hope he does!)
  4. gerrie2000
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    Btw yes i finally learned how to add images lmao