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Jade Empire Big Gay Romance Fix
A mod to allow the kissing scene from same sex couples to play in its entirety.
- 11KB
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Jade Empire Big Gay Romance Fix
A mod to allow the kissing scene from same sex couples to play in its entirety.
A mod that allows Dawn Star to be romanced by both genders.
Overhaul of Jade Empire's GUI. It become more consistent and optimized for wide screen.
- 146.4MB
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Overhaul of Jade Empire's GUI. It become more consistent and optimized for wide screen.
Changes the visual style of Jade Empire a bit. Gives the game bloom and a sepia tint.
The mod bring back the option to retry the last mission of Kang Minigame if you refuse to retry your failed mission.
- 2KB
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The mod bring back the option to retry the last mission of Kang Minigame if you refuse to retry your failed mission.
As a veteran of Jade Empire, you should not go through basic tutorials every time you want to start a new game. Just skip it by selecting : I'm rarely beaten, my friendon the first conversation with student Jing.
- 10KB
- 46
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As a veteran of Jade Empire, you should not go through basic tutorials every time you want to start a new game. Just skip it by selecting : I'm rarely beaten, my friendon the first conversation with student Jing.
This is my override folder of Jade Empire, this is how I play the game now. I made some changes in the gameplay by recompiling more than 400 ncs files for last 4 years in my spare times.
- 265.4MB
- 45
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This is my override folder of Jade Empire, this is how I play the game now. I made some changes in the gameplay by recompiling more than 400 ncs files for last 4 years in my spare times.
Stuck in Waterdragon Fountain (Chapter8) Fix
This mod is to address issue that prevent the player progress after talking to Water Dragon Spirit at the Fountain at Chapter 8.
- 55KB
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Stuck in Waterdragon Fountain (Chapter8) Fix
This mod is to address issue that prevent the player progress after talking to Water Dragon Spirit at the Fountain at Chapter 8.
Replaces all the starting martial styles with magic styles.
Replaces all starting martial styles with weapon styles.
A hardcore difficulty mod of Jade Empire.