A couple of weeks ago, we shared an update on the future of Bannerlord modding with the release of Bannerlord Software Extender and a shift to HarmonyX as the preferred library for mod authors. After a brief testing period, HarmonyX hasn't worked out quite as well as the community expected so a new version of the original Harmony library has been introduced to replace it. Once again, thank you to Aragas for the information!
The good news is, this doesn't make a lot of difference for players, all you need to do is make sure your mods are up to date.
We hope our Bannerlord mod authors find this information helpful!
Not sure if anyone is answering questions, but I got one. I remember in the original post about HarmonyX there was something about it being good at having mods work with newer/older game versions, in this fork, will it do that too?
Yep! We didn't lose anything with the migration. We just didn't want to add another fork of Lib.Harmony (like HarmonyX) to the pool and wanted to reuse HarmonyX. This didn't work out so we have now Bannerlord.Lib.Harmony.
HarmonyX was causing crashes to some mods so they are reverting back to "normal" Harmony. Harmony is esentailly a form of hack (I believe originally developed for game Outher Worlds) that enables code based mods (complex mods) in Bannerlord.
Thank you. There are so many arbitrary names for things just to make mods work that it helps to at least understand where they come from. I know Subnautica since the Living Large update also has a Harmony folder as well.
Comments locked
A moderator has closed this comment topic for the time beingThis for people modding Bannerlord. It all good now.
There you go little buddy.