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When I first played the game thought I had the windows night light on due to the yellow/orange tint, so I used reshade to add a more blue tint to give the game a more natural look in my opinion. didn't cause any performance loss for me.
Download one of my presets
Download the ReShade installer from reshade.me and run it.
Select Horizon Forbidden West .exe and click on the pre-selected graphics API. (Direct X12)
Confirm the installation of standard shaders.
Open game folder, then put in the file 'No More yellow tint by ConsensusAi.ini' (from the zip this txt came in) into the game folder.
Run the game. A ReShade window should appear on startup.
Press Home to open the ReShade GUI.
You'll see a highlighted drop down menu on the upper edge of the ReShade configuration window. Open this menu and select the file ( for example: No More yellow tint by ConsensusAi)
The preset should be loaded
Now close the ReShade GUI and play.
(This effect should work with other games that have a yellow tints too)