Holdfast: Nations at War
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  • Holdfast: Nations at War
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  • Cheerful Comrades Holdfast ReShade Preset

    Cheerful Comrades Holdfast ReShade Preset

    Last Update: 16 Aug 2019
    Author: J8054
    Uploader: J8054

    Cheerful Comrades is a high quality preset for ReShade 4.0.0+ which is intended to provide a much brighter and happier experience in Holdfast: Nations at War. The preset utilizes bright filters to give the user a graphically superior experience when compared to the vanilla graphics and shaders.

    • 4KB
    • 2
    • --

    Cheerful Comrades Holdfast ReShade Preset

    Last Update: 16 Aug 2019
    Author: J8054

    Cheerful Comrades is a high quality preset for ReShade 4.0.0+ which is intended to provide a much brighter and happier experience in Holdfast: Nations at War. The preset utilizes bright filters to give the user a graphically superior experience when compared to the vanilla graphics and shaders.

  • Realism 100 Holdfast Reshade Preset

    Realism 100 Holdfast Reshade Preset

    Last Update: 16 Aug 2019
    Author: J8054
    Uploader: J8054

    Realism 100 is a high quality, performance heavy preset for ReShade 4.0.0+ which is intended to provide a much more cinematic experience to Holdfast: Nations at War. The preset utilizes motionblur and cinematic filters to give the user a graphically superior experience when compared to the vanilla graphics and shaders.

    • 4KB
    • 2
    • --

    Realism 100 Holdfast Reshade Preset

    Last Update: 16 Aug 2019
    Author: J8054

    Realism 100 is a high quality, performance heavy preset for ReShade 4.0.0+ which is intended to provide a much more cinematic experience to Holdfast: Nations at War. The preset utilizes motionblur and cinematic filters to give the user a graphically superior experience when compared to the vanilla graphics and shaders.