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WinterElfeas - UltimateCoffee0814

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About this mod

Slows down time so you have time switching quick-action spells in combat

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This mod Slows down time when you are switching quick-action spells in combat..

With a Controller, I was always getting annoyed for getting hit because I have to stop moving to do this... (on keyboard / mouse you just use the wheel so you can change very quick while not losing any action).

For Mouse / Keyboard, hold the mouse attack button to trigger.


  • Download UE4SS (try the dev version if you have any crash, take xinput DLL and ue4ss-settings.ini)
  • Extract its content next to the executable "~\Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Binaries\Win64\HogwartsLegacy.exe"
        > Should look like that (edit: minus imgui.ini and ue4ss.logs that generate after. You do not need all original files from UE4SS zip, and you can remove the default mods)
  • Extract the zip content at the root game folder "~\Hogwarts"



  • Adapted structure to work with Vortex


  • Further tweaks from UltimateCoffee#0814 to cover more cases where cancel slow motion was needed.


  • Update of initial version, mixed with aim mode, and tweaked by UltimateCoffee#0814. It cancels Slow motion on first spell cast, so if you know your currently selected spells well, it goes smooth and should (nearly) never trigger by mistake. (now good with controller)


  • Added alternative version to slow down on aim for controller


  • Base version (not good with controller)

Special thanks to Darkstar#7383 --  Doudoulix#5078 - UltimateCoffee#0814 from the Hogwards Modding Discord for their invaluable help.

Assist me by voting with annoying this bug: Hogwarts Legacy : Character shadows and reflection broken after Daedalian Keys puzzle or Alohomora (wbgames.com)