Hogwarts Legacy

Alot of people have been requesting certain lines to be silenced and its hard to keep up. Post them here and ill see about creating a few different versions for different levels of quieting

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  1. tomdarkwood
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi TangerieDev, thanks so much for your amazing work. I've been trying and failing to mod the audio so thought I may as well see if you'd be able with your expertise. There are two sound effects  I would love to silence - they are the high pitched whine that indicates a stupefied enemy, and the sound of the blue ancient magic orbs when they are resting on the battlefield (the loud wind hollow gusty sound). Not vocal silences though so please ignore if not working on the sfx. All the best :)
    1. tomdarkwood
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hey again, managed to find the high pitched stupefied stun sound I'd like to eliminate if still taking requests. File path is: pakchunk0-WindowsNoEditor.pak\Phoenix\Content\WwiseAudio\windows\

      the sound bank is: "spells_protego_akb.bnk"  and it's sound "780556241.wem"

      Awesome if you can silence that one or I'll keep researching and look to see if I can do it myself, no worries.

      Also, looks like an ai bot or something strange copied and slightly reworded my post here, not sure what that's about, kinda odd.
  2. Anecx
    • premium
    • 24 kudos
    Want to suggest Deek's line of being proud of all the potions you brewed or whatever the hell he says driving me nuts
    1. SeancePal
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Yess, dude creeps me out.
  3. Ronniemaxwell23
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    Hello, TangerieDev Many thanks for your fantastic effort. I figured I might as well ask you for help as I've been attempting to modify the audio without success. The high-pitched whine that signals a stunned adversary and the sound of the blue ancient magic orbs as they rest on the battlefield are two sound effects that I would dearly love to silence (the loud wind hollow gusty sound). Not vocal silences though, so if you're not working on the sfx, kindly disregard. Happy New Year
  4. SteamTitan
    • premium
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    Hi, I'd love for the main characters voice lines about Hogsmeade ('All roads lead to hogsmeade' etc) and their remarks when arriving in Hamlets ('Looks straight out of fairy tale') to be muted,