Want more grind to unlock things? Less grind? Credit costs for upgrades? You can choose to multiply the LT cost, add a credit cost as a multiple of the LT cost, or set costs individually.
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Version 1.0.0
Inital release
Piepieonline's Upgrade Cost Adjuster
A simple mod to allow you to change the costs of upgrades in game.
Specific per upgrade price changes take priority over the global modifier. -1 to disable a change.
Default settings double all LT costs, no other changes
Easy to remove - remove the mod, and the next launch will have the original costs again.
Download the latest 64 bit (x64) version of BepInEx 5 (5.4.19 at time of writing) from https://github.com/BepInEx/BepInEx/releases
Extract into the same folder as "Shipbreaker.exe".
Run the game, load the main menu and quit.
Extract the mod to "BepInEx\plugins\", so you should have (for example) ".\BepInEx\plugins\UpgradeCostAdjuster\UpgradeCostAdjuster.dll"