Halo: The Master Chief Collection
Sprinting Bots Tutorial reference

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To make bots sprint, open Assembly and find the character tag for your bot, then type movement sets. From here, you will be able to assign an animation stance for the bot, depending on what action it takes.

I recommend assigning 
"sprint" to "Search""Panic", and "custom 1""custom 2""custom 3", and "custom 4"

Bots can also be scripted to sprint


(script command_script void red_go_to_fight
unit_set_stance ai_current_actor "sprint") for changing animation stance
(cs_enable_targeting false) to prevent the bot from shooting while sprinting
(cs_move_towards_point "path/red_go_to_fight_1a" 0.5) the ground unit will move towards the xy coordinates
 (unit_set_stance ai_current_actor "combat") to reset animation back to normal at the end of the script